Typing this at the hospital.
Poor Daria had to be admitted due to a virus infection she picked up at the swimming pool at Bukit Gambang.
What a way to end our family holiday...and 2010.
So far, her fever has reduced but the infection is still there. You can hear it when she breathes....all the phlegm in her lungs.
So far, we've spent 2 nights at the hospital. Sleeping with an active baby in a single bed doesn't really give you much space to sleep. Plus, I have to take care of her drip line to make sure it doesn't get tangled.
Have lots to update with pictures and all. Despite the outcome of Bukit Gambang, we all really did have fun there. Maybe next time when Daria's older and stronger, we'll head out there again. This time with the whole clan.
OK, have to go. Have to call the nurse to put in Daria's drip since she won't eat or drink much. My poor baby is losing her chubbiness by the minute!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Last Day of 2010
Posted by Along at 3:45 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Best Couple for 2011
*Nampak sangat aku fail bab photoshop ni tapi ada aku kisah? Muahahaa...sori, tengah bengong baru habis assignment kul 3am.
Posted by Along at 3:00 AM 5 comments
Labels: Celebrities, Silly Me
Friday, December 24, 2010
YB, Goat, Monkey

Posted by Along at 12:16 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Si Razak Malaun Tu Lagi!!
Aku tengah letih lagi ni. Last weekend, kitaorang bergerombolan cik kiah pi Kedah, cousin aku punya wedding belah lelaki. Best sangat, makan sedap, tempat tinggal best, udara nyaman…memang worth the 5 hours drive aku ngan En Rashid buat tengah2 malam. Giller ko, jumaat tu aku habis kelas kul 930pm, sampai rumah around 10pm, lepark2 kejap…around kul 11.30pm En Rashid ajak drive terus ke Kedah. Alasan..kalau tido dulu, mesti terlajak, lepas tu dia kena drive dalam cuaca panas. Ala, musim hujan la, manade panas. Tapi dek En Rashid dah offer nak pi tu, eventho dia punya demam blum 100% over, aku dah bersyukur dah. Terus kemas beg, mandi bagi segar sket, masuk kereta hebat and jalan!
Tapi aku bukan nak cite pasal wedding kat Kedah sebab itu sangat best dan aku blum habis upload semua gambar. Ni aku nak cite wedding belah kitaorang kat Melaka.
OK, sapa yang follow blog aku (ada?!!), tau kan aku dah pernah story hal caterer bernama Razak ni. Ni aku bagi link2 dia lagi..part 1, part 2. OK, so wedding cousin aku pakai caterer Razak ni, dengan penuh berat hati sebab time yang adik ipar aku kawin aritu, makcik aku dah bayar deposit dalam RM3K. So eventho diaorang tengok sendiri 1st hand camne palatnya si Razak ni buat catering, dek tak bleh dapatkan balik deposit tu, nak tak nak terpaksa pasrah and pakai jugak la si malaun ni.
Day of the wedding, aku ngan family mai lambat. En Rashid punya hal..time aku nak cepat, time tu la dia nak try test jalan baru pi rumah makcik aku. Dah la berpusing satu Melaka baru sampai. Sabarrrr! Kitaorang sampai dalam kul 12, dah nak kul 1pm. Time tu pengantin tak mai lagi, tetamu pun blum start ramai. Banyak meja2 still kosong. Tapiiiii, bila aku jenguk makanan…aik? Awat dah tinggal sipi2?!!
Oya, lauk kenduri dia bagi. Ayam goreng, paceri nenas yang sangat fail, kuah kacang dal ngan kurma daging. Aku menaip nama2 lauk ni pun tak berselera. Ayam goreng dia, dah le kecik2 giller ok dia kerat ayam tu. Aku rasa sekor, dia potong 22 kot. Lepas tu untuk 1000 orang makan, dia bagi 150 ekor ayam je! Bengong betul. Mak Ngah aku punya la terperanjat, dia lagi tahu la sebab dia pun caterer. Mak Ngah aku cakap..kalau 1000 orang makan, ayam kena 350-400 ekor. Sebabnya, sorang bukan ambik seketul je. Dah la ko potong sekecik2 yang boleh. Bebudak yang mai kenduri, diaorang takde tengok lauk lain…ayam goreng je la yang depa bedal. Lepas tu paceri nenas….mak ai, ni nenas masak air la! Takde rasa rempah langsung, dah la nenas tu ko tak buang segala mata, hidung, bulu hidung benda tu….part nenas yang keras tu pun ko tak buang! Hampeh betul la. Dalca bertulang….muahahahaha…dia bagi kuah kacang dal, ok. Kuah kacang dal!! Beria aku dok usya, kot2 la roti canai kat situ. And then, lauk daging dia…kuah je lebih…cedok2, ada la 2-3 ketul daging..dah la macam nak hancur dah daging tu.
Eeeeeeee, geramnya.
OK, yang lain aku kena sebut jugak. Khemah, ok, takde banyak isu. Kali ni, siap ngan air pancut semua tapi bagi aku buat menyemak je. Nak ambik gambar pun susah. Servers dia tip top…ambik kederat remaja2 mana ntah. Tapi ok la adik2 tu, rajin gak la membersihkan meja, sediakan minuman semua. Cuma tu la…sian gak aku tengok bebudak yang jaga area makanan. Macam malu2 plak. Ye ah…kot aku pun malu kalau baru kul 145pm, lauk semua dah habis!!
Kul 145pm ko!! Kenduri sampai kul 4pm.
Mak Ngah aku sound la tukang masak tu..ni mana makanan lagi ni, orang dah start datang. Kejap lagi pengantin nak berarak semua. Ko tau apa tukang masak tu cakap? “Ye ha, memang la makanan habis..dah 1500 orang mai.”
Kepala hotak ko!!
Boleh kira la berapa kerat orang yang mai before 1pm tu. Banyak meja2 kosong. Orang start mai after 2pm, sebab nak tengok pengantin. Bodoh!!
Last2, Mak Ngah aku soh jugak masak something. Terkial2 la depa masak lauk ayam kari. Bodoh!! Kenduri kawin masak ayam kari. Apa punya pe’el la ni?
Dah tu,yang best…nak ganti paceri nenas dia yang tak menjadi, korang tau apa dia bagi? Dia hiriskan nenas ngan timun…nah!! Itu dah jadi satu lauk. Aduhai….tensen giller aku tengokkan.
Sib baik la kitaorang ada preparekan acar buah sendiri. Itu kira penyelamat jugak la. Lauk habis, paling tidak orang ambik nasik, kuah kari ngan acar buah. Sedih ko!! Yang bestnya, dia punya tukang jaga VIP table tu (mamat mana ntah), siap bleh sound kitaorang sebab pi letak acar buah tu kat meja2 VIP. Dia kata, manade orang makan acar buah kat kenduri kawin.
Kepala hotak ko!! Kalau tak dek acar buah ni la, takde langsung apa2 tetamu ni nak makan tau. Acar buah ok la….yg ko pi bagi kuah dal tu untuk apa? Nak cicah apa? Roti bom? Bodoh!!
Memang out la Razak caterer ni!! Memang suka merosakkan majlis orang. Setakat air pancut je grand tapi makanan out!! Oya, makanan pengantin? Ayam golek tadak. Udang masak butter prawn? Muahahahah…dah la pakai udang kecik..dia rebusnya lepas tu gaul ngan cabbage hiris, letak mayonis. Apa bangang punya resepi ni? Aiskirm yang makteh aku oder untuk 500 orang? Mana? Mana? Bila tanya, bleh cakap lori aiskrim on the way. Sampai kesudah tak nampak, jangankan lori…asap lori pun tadak.
Ni ada lagi duit lebih kat makteh aku untuk catering tu. Kitaorang dah cakap “JANGAN BAGI!!”. A few days after kenduri tu, wakil Razak mai rumah makteh aku tanyakan duit lebih. Makteh aku tak bukak pintu pun, dia soh mamat tu pi jumpa Pakteh aku kat ofis dia. Come on la Razak, ko dah buat palat….time minta duit, ko hantar wakil je? Apa, tak berani nak tunjukkan muka ke? Last2 Pakteh aku kata, takde pun mamat tu mai ke ofis dia mintak duit. Bagus!! Pi mampos la sama Razak and the gang. Makan duit haram!! Time nak menjual tu, cakap punya la berbunga…bila time kenduri, punah!!
Oya, as expected, mamat Razak tu takde pun time kenduri. Langsung tak jenguk. Biasa la kan…duit dah dapat, buat nak ambik tahu. Malaun betul. Memang barua!!
The nest day, cousin aku yang lagi sorang pi kenduri kawin kawan dia. Kebetulan ambik jugak Razak ni. Kes haru gak, kul 130pm makanan habis. Sampai mak ayah pengantin dok dalam rumah sebab malu.
Nanti la ko Razak. Ni ko bleh la nak pi sana sini jaja nama ko as the best caterer in Melaka konon. Ko keep track ke semua orang yang ko tipu ni? Akan mai masa ko nanti…punya lama ko ambik duit orang tapi bagi benda tak serupa apa yang dijanjikan. Ko ingat orang halalkan ke duit tu? Kembung la perut ko makan duit haram!!
Posted by Along at 2:30 PM 7 comments
Labels: Stoopid People, Wedding
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Irritating Website...Among Other Stuff
If you are going to ask for your employee's feedback, please ensure the links in website that has all the questions are up and running!! Why make me do the bloody survey twice, only to get a "This page has expired" link half way through!!
Do you or don't you want our honest opinions? Coz it seems to me like you don't!!
I owe so much on my blog, just haven't gotten around to jot them down. I need to blog about my cousin's wedding, held both in Melaka and Kedah. I need to blog about our family vacay in Kedah. I need to blog about the bloody caterer (Razak!!) who ruined the wedding in Melaka.
Will do this once I find the time to breathe.
Posted by Along at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Lelaki Manja
Posted by Along at 10:49 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Which One To Choose?
Ryan Reynolds?
Or Zac Efron?
Coz both of them are super yummy....and now single!! Hehehe..
*couger mode*
ps: Menyesal x Noresh ko menanya...hehehe..sori, ter"up"kan post sebelum sempat masukkan gambar.
Posted by Along at 11:53 AM 13 comments
Labels: Celebrities
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
On 3 hours of sleep! Yesterday I had to take EL because Syazmin’s cough became so much worst, so bad that she couldn’t sleep because she was hacking all night long. I took her to the clinic where the doctor put her on nebulizer for 20 minutes. And what a harrowing 20 minutes that was! Syazmin hated having the mask on her face so much, she was balling her eyes out and twisting her body left and right, trying to get it off. I had to wrap my arms around her arms and legs while the nurse had to hold her head still. Poor baby. I had to take her for a second dosage in the evening but fortunately hubby was back from work, so this time he held Syazmin while I tried to keep the mask on her face. She was still coughing last might but at least she didn’t wake up every 30 minutes. Here’s hoping she gets better soon. Uwaaa...ibu needs her beauty sleep!!
Since I took the day off, I dropped by Dina’s pre-school to pick up her progress report book. All in all, the teacher didn’t have much to comment except that Dina’s lack of speaking English could be due to her friends who also didn’t speak much English when conversing with each other. I doubt this will change when she goes to regular school next month so I’ll have to pick up the slack by speaking to her in English more often at home.
We also stopped by the book store to get all the books needed for next year. God, can’t believe I spent over RM200 for the girls on their school books. Make me wonder how the low income families are coping, especially those with multiple children in school.
I then took the girls to get their hair cut. Dania was mighty reluctant; she wanted to keep her hair long. I told her she could keep her hair as long as Rapunzel once she started earning her own money and living on her own. She failed to see my point and continued to pout while the hairdresser cut her hair to a manageable length.
I spent the rest of the day, looking after Daria and checking her breathing. Once hubby had put her down for the night, I started on my FM assignment. Crap, that shit is due in 2 weeks!! You’ll think having to type out one page of answer for each question would be easy enough, especially when the font size is 13 but helltotheno…apparently not when you’re surviving on 5 minutes of sleep.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Late Night
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Salam Maal Hijrah
Slow kan aku? Biasa la..karang dah 10 hari lepas Christmas, baru aku wish yer. Then New Year, aku sambut in Februari. Muahahaha...
Ni saja nak share email yang aku receive from kawan (thanks Lin!) tentang Hijrah yang sebenarnya.
Tadi ustadz ceramah pasal hijrah. Antara isi kandungannya ialah
1. Kemenangan yang pertama bagi seorang muslim ialah apabila meninggalkan larangan Allah walaupun sukar utk dilakukan.
2. Hijrah pasti ada kebajikan.
3. Beza antara sambutan hijrah dan pengamatan hijrah. Kalau sambut tu..kite sekadar baca doa, baca yassin, tabalkan tokoh hijrah tapi masyarakat dan diri kita tetapi tidak berubah. Betapa Rasulullah berhijrah meninggalkan tanah tumpah lahir atas arahan Allah dan sehelai sepinggang tak piker pun apa nak tinggal or makan di madinah nanti. Akhirnya kemenangan di pihak rasul dan islam di mana di madinah nabi dapat berdakwah dan mengembangkan ajaran Islam.
4. Antara contoh hijrah ialah solat awal waktu, baca tafsir alquran, ajak anak2 baca dan hayati alquran, solat jamaah.
5. Ni part yang paling syahdu bila ustadz bercerita tentang Abdul Rahman bin Auf sabahat Rasulullah yang tertinggal takbiratul ihram untuk solat jamaah, beliau telah menginfakkan 100 unta kerana kelewatannya takbiratulihram bersama Nabi bukannya tertinggal jamaah pun. Tetapi Nabi mengatakan 100 unta itu tidak dapat membayar lewatnya takbiratulihram bersama Nabi. Bayangkan kita ni solat pun dilewat2kan dah la tak jamaah…tak sedih poon(Ketika ini ustadz sgt syahdu hingga ustadz menangis dan menangkupkan wajahnya ke meja…aduhhhh orang beriman ni kisah nabi dan sahabat pun dia boleh syahdu..kitorang satu kelas senyap je la tgk ustadz dan ada akak tu hulurkan tisu…)
6. Ciri2 hijrah (kemenangan)
a. Berjaya menundukkan nafsu utk taat perintah Allah
b. Ibadah kepada Allah semakin sempurna
c. Islam semakin tersebar (ustad dok kata kita buat sambutan Maal Hijarh tapi masyarakat tetap semakin teruk..kalu baca doa awal dan akhir tahun tapi tidak berhijrah pun..itu pun konsep hijrah rasulullah)
7. Kisah Asma’ bt Abu Bakar yang menjadi pembawa makanan ketika Nabi dan Abu Bakar menyorok di Gua Thur. Ketika itu Asma’ mengandung 8 bulan dan berjalan kaki sejauh 7km dr Mekah dan menaiki bukit selama satu jam!
Agak terasa hina dan malu sendiri bila terbaca email ni sebab time Hari Maal Hijrah, aku tengah buat apa? Ada kelas tambahan, pi beli baju sekolah anak, lepas tu terbongkang depan TV tengok HBO. Hmmm...macam "as usual" je...takde unsur2 nak berhijrah ke arah yang lebih baik pun.
Tapi takpe!! Penghijrahan tak semestinya berlaku dalam masa sehari je. Ia sepatutnya satu proses yang mengambil masa tapi kekal. Jangan hari ni berhijrah ke arah baik, esok berhujrah balik ke arah jahat. Heeee.
Apa yang aku nak "hijrahkan" diri aku?
1. Taknak buang masa lagi.
2. Taknak buat keje last minute.
3. Taknak lengahkan waktu solat.
4. Nak berhijrah ke perhubungan suami isteri yang lebih baik. (bukan nak kata sekarang tak baik...tapi of course, bleh improve.)
5. Nak berhijrah menjadi ibu yang lebih penyayang, lebih penyabar (agak payah ni...hehehe..takpe, coba dulu), lebih mengambil tahu tentang perkembangan anak2 dari segi hal sekolah, hal agama, hal makan minum. Eventho masa tu terhad sebab keje and sekolah part time...tapi kena usahakan. Lagipun, bukankah anak itu amanah Allah yang sebenarnya?
Banyak lagi nak kena "hijrahkan" diri ni..tapi cukup la yang aku senaraikan kat sini dulu. Ini pun kena mind set betul2 dulu. Semoga berjaya. Amiiinn.
Posted by Along at 11:24 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Dina's Concert & Why I Need A New Camera
Last year, I had trouble getting pictures of Dina at her concert. This year, the same thing happened again.
We arrived at the venue rather late. Hubby had sent Dina there earlier in the morning as all the students had to be there by 7.30am. Parents were suppose to arrive around 8.30am. We got there at 9am, just in time for the speeches. Yawn!!
There were 4 centers joining the ceremony so it was rather long, what with 4 performances from each center. Dina was in 2 performances; a Chinese dance and the choir.Luckily I brought a book to the concert, so I read while the other kids were performing. Don't judge me, all the other parents were only interested in seeing their own kids perform too. Heeee. But I never forgot to give my mandatory clap at the end of each performance. Some were rather good, especially the dramas.
Below are some pictures of Dina during her performances. As always, Grade A photos!!Awesome!! You can almost make out her features.
Another great shot!! This was her in the choir singing a CT Nur song. Don't ask me about the 2 angels in the front; they were a major theme throughout the concert.
Super shot!!
Dania and En Rashid sitting upstairs. Initially we sat in the hall downstairs but quickly moved up thanks to....
...all the kiasu parents who wouldn't listen to the organizer and insisted in standing up front and center to take videos of their children performing (circled in red). Dude, your kid is not the only one on stage. Get your butt out of our faces and move to the side!! A**holes!!
Dania with a cupcake she bought at the venue. Those things cost RM2 per piece and were mighty sweet! I gave her RM10 and she went and bought 5 of them. Then grumbled to me about them being too sweet. Grrr...
Dina's picture during the graduation slideshow. Grrrrr....
Dina, taking the prize for getting second in her class. Like..wtf is with my camera...I give up.
Here's Dina at home, posing with her prize and graduation folder.
And here she is with her graduation certificate and photo.
Congratulations Dina!! Here's going to real school next year.
Posted by Along at 9:01 PM 3 comments
Who says you can't watch Barney and read up on what's new at Ik.ea at the same time?Like Mother, Like Daughter.
Posted by Along at 8:25 AM 2 comments
Labels: Daria
Friday, December 03, 2010
Wedding in Ipoh

Posted by Along at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Must Go!!!
Anyone who knows me, know that I buy shoes only once a year at the annual Sch.oll warehouse sale.
And it's on this weekend!!My technique is usually going up to the counter and yelling "any shoes in size 8...size 8!!". Hehehee...if I get to go (in-laws coming to town), here's hoping I get some good deals.
Posted by Along at 9:21 AM 2 comments
Labels: Shopping
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Natrah Tickets for Sale
I bought Natrah tickets for this Sunday's show. Initially it was going to be me, my mom, my aunt, my cousin, my brother and my SIL. However, 10 minutes after buying the tickets, my mom called me and said she might not be able to go. Yesterday my lecturer mentioned that he might have an extra class so that we won't have to come during the last week of December (long Christmas holiday).
Posted by Along at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Theater
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Movie Review - Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale
Last Thursday, hubby took leave from work so we could take the girls to watch the latest Disney movie, Rapunzel: A Twisted Tale. Initially we wanted to watch it at Sun.way coz I was planning to do some serious shopping for the girls' school items (JJ card sale) but since the movie only had a 430pm showing, we decided to watch it at Mi.nes instead.

Posted by Along at 12:22 AM 5 comments
Labels: Movie
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Wednesday Update
If there's one "nice" thing about having only one car (I'm putting nice in brackets because in actual fact, it sucks biggy!) is that hubby has to come home early so that I can get to class on time. I'm still trying to get into my studying mood...the fact that 3 weeks of class had gone by somewhat eludes me until I glance at the calendar and realized that Mid Terms are in 4 more weeks.
How is that possible?
Dania is in full holiday mood and while I've bought her enough story and exercise books to last her for weeks, she's still anticipating the part where we'll announce which hotel we'll be staying in for the holidays. Tough luck. What with work, my class schedule, various weddings we need to attend to in December, I doubt we'll be able to squeeze in a hotel stay anytime soon.
Dina has classes until mid December but since everyone else is on holiday mood, so is she. She's excited about her concert though as she may be getting a prize this time. I'm not sure what she'll be performing this time; she's mentioned a Malay dance, then switched to a Chinese dance, then I heard her rehearsing a CT song. Heavens...this is going to be one heck of a performance.
Daria's getting bigger by the minute. And getting bossier too. Her favorite word is "Nak" which means "I want". So it's "nak..nak..nak..nak" all the time. To my dismay she has refused to say "Ibu", though she calls everyone else by their title. One time she called me "Kak" and I almost died. Then hubby told me she calls everyone as "Kak", so it didn't hurt as much.
I just received an sms from the Uni and it seems they've changed the venue of the FM class to somewhere else...permanently. This is what happens when you select a class based on where it's been held. Just another way of the universe screwing with me...as usual.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Travelling Plans (daydreams?)
Posted by Along at 3:32 PM 2 comments
Labels: Family, Travelling
Monday, November 22, 2010
All The Gatherings

And really, I was glad we went. We had great fun. The food was nice. Daria, who previously was terrified of the pool, has decided she's now a mermaid and refused to get out of the pool once we got her in! Hahahahaa...she didn't even want to use the floats after a while and wanted to run around in the pool by herself. Do you have any idea how tiring it is running after an 18 month baby in a swimming pool is? Pergh...well at least I got a nice workout. Muahahaha...
The initial plan to have to have everyone gather at my parents' house but since Atok passed away, we figured it would be more appropriate to gather at his house instead. We arrived around 10am and saw that most of the grub had already been laid out. The usual ketupat, rendang, peanut sauce menu.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Fast & Furious Aftermath
So we went to see the car this morning to sign off some forms.

Posted by Along at 7:55 PM 12 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Goodbye, Atok
We buried our grandfather yesterday.
He passed away around 12.45am Friday, 13th November 2010.
He was 89 years old.
He died in his sleep, surrounded by his children and grandchildren.
I received the call from my mom around 1.15am. After putting Daria and Wati in the girls' room, hubby and I headed to Keramat.
Most of my uncles, aunts and cousins were already there.
Atok looked like he was sleeping.
We took turns reading the Quran beside Atok until the mosque people came for his body at 930am. We took him to the nearby mosque for his final bath and solat jenazah.
Around 11am, we headed to the burial ground.
By 12pm, everything was complete. Atok was in his final resting place.
We headed back to Atok's house for lunch. Everyone was tired, physically and emotionally.
After lunch, hubby and I headed back home to bathe and get some rest.
After Maghrib, we went back to Atok's house for tahlil, this time with the kids and Wati.
After tahlil, we all had dinner together.
We talked and laughed and reminisced about Atok.
He was loved.
He will be missed.
"Sesungguhnya segala yang hidup akan mati. Apabila anak Adam meninggal dunia maka akan terputus segala amalannya kecuali tiga perkara; sedekah jariah, ilmu yang bermanfaat dan anak soleh yang mendoakan kepadanya."
Posted by Along at 11:36 AM 9 comments
Friday, November 12, 2010
Vin Diesel, I Am Not
OK, it's just my luck when something great happens, something shitty has to happen to balance things out.
I was in a car accident last night.
I was on my way home from class when I lost control of the car and next thing I know, half the car is laying in a ditch while I'm screaming my head off. Luckily a minute later, a police car cruised by and helped me out. A minute later, a tow truck guy also stopped by. Whatever it was, I had to have hubby with me so I called him up. Turns out, he was still at work so it took him almost 40 minutes to get to the accident scene.
OK, here's what happened. Actually, I can't really recall what happened. I was making a turn, on a road I've been down thousands of times before, when I felt the car skid. I heard the crunching of pebbles, then the screeching of tyres and a loud thump as the car landed in the ditch.
The car is in pretty bad shape; the front bumper is all bruised while one of the back tyres totally broke off! Plus I think I busted the fuel tank, though I can't be sure coz it was dark and the accident scene wasn't well lit.
All in all, it could have been much worst. For several reasons, I consider myself pretty lucky.
1. There wasn't any cars in front or behind me. I would never forgive myself if anyone else had gotten hurt because of me.
2. I was alone in the car when the accident happened. God forbid, anything bad happens when I have hubby or my kids in the car with me. I would never want them to experience the trauma.
3. I didn't flip the car. I remember thinking to myself as the car skidded..."PLEASE DO NOT FLIP!!" The damage to the car would have been so much more plus I would have been pretty banged up too.
4. I was wearing my seatbelt. Other than some bruises on my knees from hitting the steering wheel, I'm ok. If I hadn't been wearing my seatbelt, my injuries could have been much worst.
5. The police was there within minutes and really helped calm me down. If I was to be stranded at the accident scene alone for more than 10 minutes, I would have lost it. I couldn't get out of the car without some help so most probably I would have turned into such a basketcase and hyperventilated constantly.
6. Whatever damage to the car, will hopefully be covered by our insurance. So other than the inconvenience of not having a 2nd car to drive, we're so ok with not having to fork out money to repair the car.
I wasn't speeding. But adding in all the factors of that night....it was raining, plus the road was full of small rocks and pebbles from the nearby construction site, plus I was really tired...I should have gone around the corner at a snail speed, rather than the usual speed.
So today I'm on leave. Hubby's gone to do the police report and settle everything that needs to be settled with the insurance company and the car workshop. I've been reliving last night over and over in my head (I admit, I'm still slightly traumatized).
It could have been much worst. Thank god it wasn't.
ps: Maybe I can audition for The Fast & The Furious Part 4 now I know how to drift a car. Heeee...
Posted by Along at 11:36 AM 12 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Worth The Sacrifice!
All that staying up until 3am doing bloody group assignments was so worth it! I finally got my results today.
I need to buy a BIG lunch for my coursemate Min coz she helped me pull through the agonizing accounts class. And also for my boss and staff, for all their support. And also hubby kot, eventhough he didn’t really do anything. Heeee.
I had my 1st class yesterday since the one on Tuesday was cancelled. The prof was ok, though he did scare quite a few students into changing sections during his introduction. Hahahaha, I think that was just a rouse to lessen the number of students in his class. He likes to mumble a lot but the way I’m seeing it, if I can survive Accounts, I can survive FM.
We have OM today. A bit anxious because the lecturer has the reputation of not teaching in class so most of his students need to do a lot of self studying. Hmmm…however, the upside is, most of his students also get A or A-. Dilemma!! I know the knowledge is worth more than the grade but I’m so lazy to go through the hassle of changing sections. I think I’ll just give this prof a chance first and see how he is 1st hand before thinking about changing classes.
Posted by Along at 11:43 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Just When I'm....
...all excited about going back to school, they cancel the class!!
Hmmm...but on the flip side, they're going to reschedule a replacement class. Most probably on a Saturday.
Posted by Along at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: MBA
Monday, November 08, 2010
Last Weekend...
Friday: Went to my parents house. We haven’t been there in a month. My mom’s maid was already anxious to see the girls, especially Daria. Didn’t do much on Friday since my mom was out with her cousin, visiting their uncle who was sick in NS. Watched most of the Bollywood movies on since it was Deepavali.
Saturday: Went to visit my grandfather who had been discharged from the hospital last Thursday. Doing a bit better, starting to have some appetite. Still in pain but at least sleeping better. The visit was more for my uncles who were taking care of my grandfather. Taking care of a sick, old person is very stressful. I can only hope I can do the same for my parents if the time comes.
That night, my dad took the whole family out for a steak dinner at D’Bayu. Overall, the food was average. They cooked most of the meat medium rare so you have to stress if you want it well done (they did not ask). The helpings were ok, quantity wise. The price was a bit high considering the taste and ambiance. Maybe we should just stick to VS for steak next time.
On Sunday, I had my outing with my gal pals. This time I brought Dania and Dina along. We spent the whole afternoon eating, gossiping, shopping, eating some more. Heee, dah mahgrib baru balik rumah. It was fun and I bought new shoes!! Plus books for the girls and underwear…for the girls. Ibunya tak sompek nak beli.
Today, working in Cyber. Period pain like a bitch!!
Tomorrow, classes start again!!
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Entri Meraban Pasal Posa Ganti Semalam
Hari ni aku posa ganti lagi. Kalau arini berjaya, maksudnya tinggal satu hari je lagi hutang aku ngan Allah. Hmmm, sungguh mencabar posa time bukan bulan Ramadhan ni. Tapi macam la aku tak tau kan…since aku darjah 6 lagi, aku dah menghadapi situasi ni. Cuma certain2 tahun yang aku preggers je, aku dapat posa penuh time Ramadhan, jadi takyah rasa seksaan menggantinya. Adakah ini membuatkan aku ingin preggers? Oh tidak…aku sanggup ganti 10 bulan punya posa dari preggers lagi. Wahahahahaa…sila ambik perhatian yer, En Rashid.
Semalam aku posa ganti gak. Punya la seksa. Dah la ngan laptop aku asyik buat hal (serious, kalau dek bukan aku kena ganti balik laptop ni kalau hilang, dah lama aku baling dalam lombong. Sila ajukan aku ke lombong terdekat!)…ngan aku tak bangun sahur. Mata aku asyik2 tengok jam, asyik2 tengok jam. Ada sekali tu aku tengok jam, kul 11.15am. Aku buat keje sket…cek email sket…tengok balik jam…baru kul 11.18am!!! Apakah dunia sudah masuk slo-motion kah?!! Arghhh…seksanya.
Dek aku kebosanan terperap kat ofis je, konon cadang nak pi Amcorp mencari buku. Sekarang aku kalau nak pi beli buku, satu tempat je yang aku tuju…BookXcess. Korang pi carik la, dia tingkat atas sekali. Dulu kecik je kedai dia, sekarang dah besar. Best beli buku kat situ sebab murah bangat. Kalau MPH jual RM30, kat situ ko bleh dapat RM15. Half price gitu. Tapi tengok jugak la jenis buku apa. Dia banyak story books ah kat situ, and then harga dah murah…kekadang dia bagi discount lagi. Best!!
Okla…habis dah aku promote kedai buku tu. Aku pun dek boring..and dek jam laptop aku ni macam dah rosak je (macam tak bergerak je)..aku pun sms Liza, tanya nak pi beli buku tak. Makcik tu tengah nak makan rupanya..tengah pelahap nasi. Takpe la Liza, ko teruskan la aktiviti melahap ko tu. Aku pun dok tenung2 keadaan langit kat luar…macam panas je. Malas le plak nak pi menapak jauh2 (bukan jauh mana pun, lagipun naik ketapi, jalan kaki sikit je…dasar pemalas!), baik aku layan TV kat bilik bos aku ni. So in the end, aku spend jugak lunch time aku terperap dalam ofis, cuma bezanya aku terperap dalam ofis bos yg best sambil layan Law & Order.
Bila dah kul 2pm, keadaan aku dah mula kronik. Giller lapar ok! Sib baik gak la aku tak pi terokai kedai buku tadi, kalau x mesti either aku buka posa or pengsan tengah jalan. Time tu jugak, laptop aku makin mengganas ketidakbetulannya. Aku sedn satu email, dia hang. Kena restart. Send satu email, hang lagi. Apakah dosa aku nak send email ni? Dengan send-menyend email ni, baru orang tau saya buat keje tau. Kalau tak, mesti orang ingat saya ngadap laptop sambil layan FB. Sian nanti orang tu dapat dosa free sebab saya takde akaun FB pun.
Kul 4.30pm, aku dah sms En Rashid. Arini orang posa, jadi balik on time. Yer, aku ngan En Rashid bahasakan diri masing2 “orang”. Tak tau la kenapa…and sesungguhnya memang tak romantic. Tapi kitaorang memang bukan jenis romantic pun. Romen hebat…romantic tidak! Muahahahahaa…ok, abaikan statement aku tadi.
En rashid cuba mencabar keimanan aku. “Ada keje ni.” Oooo, pentingkan keje dari bini yer. Baiklah!! Lepas tu bleh soh aku tumpang member ofis balik rumah lak. Ketahuilah, aku dah nak separa pengsan ni, memang niat aku masuk kete, terus nak tido terkangkang. Mengapa terkangkang? Sebab cara itu menunjukkan betapa penatnya aku posa aritu.
Sib baik En Rashid saying bini rupanya…dapat la aku balik on time. Dan memang aku bantai tido terkangkang sampai balik rumah. Layanla En Rashid radio tu sorang2…macam aku tak tau dia dok nyanyi lagu Lady Gaga.
Balik rumah dah kul 630pm. Nikmat!! Maghrib tinggal 30 minit je lagi. Layan si budak kecik tu, sedar2 dah azan. Puas hati dapat minum air serbuk coklat secawan besar. Nak2 la tengok lauk yang Wati masak, sodap2 belaka. Aku pun jadi macam liza, makan nasi dengan pelahapnya.
Harini aku posa lagi. Liza baru je sms aku pi carik buku. Aku tak sahur pagi tadi. Patutkah aku gagahkan diri? 3 hari cuti deepavali ni…ngadap muka En Rashid cukup ½ hari, baik aku pi beli buku. Heeee.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
My Grandfather
My grandfather is dying.
He has stage 4 bone cancer and it has spread to his liver. One of his kidneys is also not functioning. He is in constant pain and has lost all appetite to eat.
I had a training session in KL this morning and got a missed call from my mom. When I called back, she told me the news. I called up my boss and requested permission to take half day off.
I had to circle the entire hospital building 3 times to find a parking space. When I reached the front door, it was 2.05pm, just 5 minutes after visiting hours.
The guard stared at me. "Sorry, you'll have to wait for visiting hours to start again at 4.30pm."
No way am I waiting. I called up my uncle. He told me to take the stairs to the 1st floor and enter from there. There was a nurse at the door but she just smiled and waved me in.
Thank God for small doses of kindness!
As I walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor, I had a sinking feeling that my grandfather had already gone. When I arrived at the ward, my other uncle was there and he waved me in when he saw me.
"Supposed to be...but..."
I couldn't talk anymore. There, on the bed was my grandfather. Looking so frail and thin, with drool hanging from his mouth. I took his napkin and wiped his face.
"Atok. Along here. Have you eaten?"
He opened his eyes and spoke my name.
It hurt so bad seeing him that way. My grandfather is a retired policeman so he used to be very fit. When we were small, he would teach us how to read the quran. He would tell us to read as loud as we could so that all the neighbours would hear us. He loved watching wrestling on TV and would always get us to sit with him, commentating on the wrestlers and their dirty techniques. Once a week, he would check our fingernails and ears to make sure they were clean. He would take us out in his antique Opal car, the car with the plastic seats that burned our bums when it got hot outside.
As we got older, he would talk to us about politics and money. Always make sure you have more than one income, was his saying. Buy lots of houses...they never lose their value. Buy in cash, don't get yourself into more debt than you can handle.
He was so proud when I went to the US for my degree. When I got married...had my 1st baby...he was still doing ok.
Then when his body started giving out, he changed. He became grumpier. I would think it was because his mind was still sharp and there was so much he still wanted to accomplish and do, but because of his physical being...it just wasn't possible. His legs could no longer push the clutch and the brake pads of his car and he nearly had an accident with a bus. It angered him so much when we finally took away his car keys.
Slowly, my grandfather has been deteriorating. He's not the same person as before.
The doctors say there's not much they can do. If he was younger, stronger, maybe he could opt for radiation or chemo. At his age, the treatment would probably only kill him faster.
I just want him to go peacefully with no more suffering or pain. And to be able to remember him when he was better.Here are my grandparents with all their grandchildren and great-grandchild (Dania's 1st raya). This was taken in 2003.
Posted by Along at 5:55 PM 5 comments
Monday, November 01, 2010
Benda Yang Buat Aku....
hangin satu badan!
1st, aku nak ucapkan tahniah setinggi tahniah kepada Maybank sebab menjadi bank paling bengap dalam kamus aku!! Sejam aku dok on the phone ngan customer service dia...sampai berasap telinga aku, semua orang aku "berkenalan" kat situ..kena pass around kulu kilir..siap depa buat "drop call" lagi ngan aku. Hangin!!! Bukan aku minta waivekan bill aku pun, aku soh verify charges. Dah la kredit kad aku yg baru ni, yg ko paksa aku tukar...ko pi terminatekan akaun dia..ape kes??!! Lepas tu bagitau aku bleh reactivekan balik dalam masa 10 hari?!! Muahahaha...konon best sangat la bila ko bagitau aku "no charge added to reactivate". Ko nak mampos, ko caj la...aku dah ambik masa 2 jam kat bank tu, jumpa officer sana...siap potong kredit kad aku yang mana takmo pakai lagi depan dia...lagi banyak kes ngan kredit kad yg aku tinggal satu ni. Mengapakahhhhhh???!!!! In the end, ko tengah explain2 kat aku...aku hang up terus. Dari aku mati heart attack layan korang, baik aku masuk ofis je la. Dari rumah, naik kete hampir sejam nak ke ofis pun, tak settle2 hal tu. Lepas tu ada la sorang customer service rep yang call balik aku...bagitau aku charges yg pending apa ke bendanya. Senang je kan....yg ko kena pass aku dari sorang ke sorang apehal? Tapiiiiiii.....aku pelik la plak, apahal ada charges kat kredit kad aku yg baru tu, sedangkan ko kata akaun tu dah kena terminate?!! Muahahahaha...apa2 je la labuuuu...aku dah bayar dah. Malas nak layan.
2nd, hal laptop keje aku yg idup segan mati x mau ni. Tolong la...laptop tu dah nazak sangat. Dengan hinges dia dah patah, dengan butang koma dia, kalau aku tekan...keluar dot sekali (seksa time nak tulis document ke apa), ngan selalu hang time aku nak send email...ngan sukahatinya tetiba shut down dengan sendiri. Dah berapa kali masuk bengkel dah...bila keluar ada lak problem baru. Lepas tu vendor tu bleh hint2 lak...maybe cara pemakaian aku yg buat laptop tu bermasalah?!! Ellooo....ko ingat aku ni jenis main hentak2 laptop ke? Hangin!!! Ni laptop aku dah masuk spital lagi...tak tau la berapa lama. Bagi je la aku laptop baru...susah sangat ke? Ni aku tengah galak tulis email prum pram prum pram marah vendor...alih2 shut down. Ala...potong stim betul la.
3rd, hal keje jugak. Tolong la jangan salahkan aku kalau ada benda hal product yang ko rasa menyusahkan ko...tapi ko sendiri tau, bukan aku yg buat rules tu untuk menyusahkan ko. Aku pun susah jugak tapi bila dah arahan datang dari langit....aku follow la. Why not kita sesama cuba make the best out of things? And bila ko buat statement benda ni jadi sebab aku takde seminggu time study leave....aduh, buat aku kecik hati laaaaa. Bukan aku sorang yg buat keje ni...satu team!! Ni yg buat aku sangat2 nak tukar posting....esok aku nak pi interview!! Muahahahaa....
Posted by Along at 9:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Rant, Stoopid People, Work
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Just For The Cat Lover
Shannon (the secretary) has lost her cat and has asked David (the graphic designer) to help with a lost poster. This is their email correspondence...
Read from top to bottom….
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.15am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Poster
I opened the screen door yesterday and my cat got out and has been missing since then so I was wondering if you are not to busy you could make a poster for me. It has to be A4 and I will photocopy it and put it around my suburb this afternoon.This is the only photo of her I have she answers to the name Missy and is black and white and about 8 months old. missing on Harper street and my phone number.
Thanks Shan.
From:David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.26am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Poster
Dear Shannon,
That is shocking news.
Although I have two clients expecting completed work this afternoon, I will, of course, drop everything and do whatever it takes to facilitate the speedy return of Missy.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.37am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Poster
yeah ok thanks. I know you dont like cats but I am really worried about mine. I have to leave at 1pm today.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.17am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Poster
Dear Shannon,
I never said I don't like cats. Attached poster as requested.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.24am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
yeah thats not what I was looking for at all. it looks like a movie and how come the photo of Missy is so small?
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.28am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
Dear Shannon,
It's a design thing. The cat is lost in the negative space.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.33am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
Thats just stupid. Can you do it properly please? I am extremely emotional over this and was up all night in tears. you seem to think it is funny. Can you make the photo bigger please and fix the text and do it in colour please. Thanks.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.46am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
Dear Shannon,
Having worked with designers for a few years now, I would have assumed you understood, despite our vague suggestions otherwise, we do not welcome constructive criticism. I don't come downstairs and tell you how to send text messages, log onto Facebook and look out of the window. I have amended and attached the poster as per your instructions.
Regards, David. From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.59am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
This is worse than the other one. can you make it so it shows the whole photo of Missy and delete the stupid text that says missing missy off it? I just want it to say Lost.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.14am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.21am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
yeah can you do the poster or not? I just want a photo and the word lost and the telephone number and when and where she was lost and her name. Not like a movie poster or anything stupid. I have to leave early today. If it was your cat I would help you. Thanks.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.32am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Awww
Dear Shannon,
I don't have a cat. I once agreed to look after a friend's cat for a week but after he dropped it off at my apartment and explained the concept of kitty litter. I have attached the amended version of your poster as per your detailed instructions.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.47am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Awww
Thats not my cat. where did you get that picture from? That cat is orange. I gave you a photo of my cat.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.58am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Awww
I know, but that one is cute. As Missy has quite possibly met any one of several violent ends, it is possible you might get a better cat out of this. If anybody calls and says "I haven't seen your orange cat but I did find a black and white one with its hind legs run over by a car, do you want it?" you can politely decline and save yourself a costly veterinarian bill.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.07pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Awww
Please just use the photo I gave you.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.22pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.34pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
I didnt say there was a reward. I dont have $2000 dollars. What did you even put that there for? Apart from that it is perfect can you please remove the reward bit. Thanks Shan.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.42pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.51pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
Can you just please take the reward bit off altogether? I have to leave in ten minutes and I still have to make photocopies of it.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.56pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 1.03pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
Fine. That will have to do.
Min, you do know we are going to hell for this, right? Hehehehee...
Posted by Along at 4:21 PM 3 comments
Labels: Funnies
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
And That's All Folks!!
Oh. My. God.
Just came back from my last final paper, Accounts. As expected, it was challenging to say the least but at least it's over and done with. Good thing we only had to answer 4 out of 5 questions because there was one question which I had no idea how to answer.
Yesterday we had our OB paper. 3 hours of writing feverishly and my arm was about ready to fall off! I think I did ok...got most of the terms right this time, though I hope I did enough with the analysis and elaborations. My OB lecturer is rather strict with her markings but I'm hoping I pull through with an A in the end.
On Monday we had Econs. And boy, was that "fun". For one thing, I forgot my calculator!! I was already searching for a parking space when I remembered I had taken out my calculator to do some last minute studying before heading off for the Uni. Blast!! Good thing I had my handphone with me, tekan la digit kecik2 tu macam loser. Muahahaha...luckily the calculations were rather simple. I rambled on when it came to the essay questions so it's pretty much up in the air with that one.
But, whatever it is, I'm done with my finals. No more staying up until 3am to do assignments. No more last minute studying. I have one week to rest before the whole madness starts again with trimester 2. Wahhhhh.....
Posted by Along at 11:31 PM 4 comments
Labels: MBA
Berani Kerana Benar, Takut Sebab Penipu!
Ingat tak aritu aku tulis entri pasal caterer "terbaik" kat melaka yang "menceriakan" majlis kawin adik ipar aku? Ni aku ada dapat komen dari cik anon pasal caterer tu...sila baca.
Anonymous said...
along, u nak tau apa razak cakap pasal u?? i ada member nak kawen this december, so i pun tanya lah preparation cmne.. so dia cite la dah amek catering dari si bingai ni.. So i pun citelah pengalaman i amek catering mangkuk hayun ni. Then my fren tu pun risau lepas i cite kat die, then i tunjukkan blog u as prove ramai lagi yg dah kena tipu.. So my fren un wat report polis sebab risau majlis die jadi cmni.. So lepas buat report polis, dia pegi jumpe di mangkuk hayun razak ni. N razak tnye la nape smpai nak report polis, so my fren tunjuk lah bukti (die print posting u pasal razak ni..), u know ape razak cakap?? Die boleh cakap actually die kenal u.. u catering kat melaka gak yang cube nak jatuhkan bisnes die.. memang terbaik lah razak, dah la servis hampeh menipu lg.. then my fren bg contoh my wedding plak, die boleh ckp i bayar duit xcukup sebab tu die bg servis mcm tu.. Masalahnye balance payment kan after majlis, logik ke x alasan die tu. So, I nak seru kepada semua yang nak kawen tu, jangan amek Razak Catering, kalau xlingkup la majlis korang...
1st of all, aku tulis entri based on apa yang berlaku kat majlis kawin adik ipar aku, bukan sebab aku nak menjatuhkan bisnes orang. Aku tulis sebab geram sangat ngan perangai caterer tu yang lepas tangan dan bagi malu mak abah mertua aku. Bila masa lak aku keje caterer kat melaka? Bila masa Razak tu kenal aku? Jumpa muka pun x pernah. Time kenduri tu kan dia takde...menghilangkan diri. Muahahaha...nampak sangat takde modal.
FYI, bukan anon je yg x bayar habis payment kat malaun ni (orang melaka kan, kita maki pun guna ayat2 melaka la!). Si Razak tu sendiri ngaku kat P-I-L aku, ada pak imam mana ntah, pun tak bayar habis. Beria dok ngata pak imam tu, nama je pak imam, tapi tak tunai janji. Tapi bila pikir balik...patut la pak imam tu x bayar habis, kalau majlis dia rosak macam majlis adik ipar aku dulu. Pak imam tak pak imam....kalau apa yang ko janjikan tak serupa yang aku dapat, sori la nak bagi duit!!
Ni aku tengah risau ni...majlis cousin aku bulan 12 ni ambik ngan caterer ni. Dah terbayar down payment beribu2...tu yg tak sanggup makcik aku nak kensel, eventho dia sendiri pi majlis adik ipar aku and tengok camne harunya keadaan. Tapi kan...si Razak tu dah cakap...takyah bayar satu sen pun lagi, sehingga habis kenduri. Konon kenduri cousin aku ni, dia nak tebus malu. Eh, dia pikir malu dia plak? Malu mak abah mertua aku apa cite?
Aku nak tengok..memang aku akan dokumentarikan segala benda yang berlaku kat kenduri cousin aku nanti. Kalau tak betul, aku pun nak soh makcik aku buat report polis jugak. Kepada En. Razak, kalau anda rasa anda benar dan apa yang saya tuliskan ini satu khianat, sila lah saman!! Kita tengok nanti sapa yang benar, sapa yang penipu!!
Posted by Along at 11:16 AM 10 comments
Labels: Rant, Stoopid People, Wedding
Monday, October 25, 2010
Finals - 1st Paper
I have my first finals in a little under 4 hours from now. I'm all read out. However, being the skema student that I am, I'm redoing the exercises again for the 4th time. Frustratingly enough, the more I read, the more I feel I don't know stuff. It's driving me crazy!!
It's raining outside which normally would entice me for an afternoon nap. But I'm too wound up to even think about sleeping right now.
Fingers crossed I do ok. Usaha, doa, tawakal. Insya'allah....
Posted by Along at 4:05 PM 6 comments
Labels: MBA
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I really should be studying for my finals tomorrow. Need to finish my final group assignment for econs, need to read 3 more chapters for OB, need to start studying for accounts.
Hubby really needs to complete his presentation slides due tomorrow.
Instead, I'm watching SYTYCD on Utube.
Instead, hubby is watching Transformers downstairs.
Memang tak serik la dua2 orang tua ni!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Study Leave
I'm on study leave since yesterday until next Wednesday. Can't believe my 1st trimester is almost over. How time flies. I remember when I first stepped into my 1st class, I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I remember scanning the room, looking for a BFF I could hook up with (Hi, Min!) while also checking out any cute guys I could use as distractions when I'm bored (alas...tadak..hehe).
I haven't gotten around to do much studying yet since Daria has been unwell these past few days. She's been having the fever plus she got the cough and flu from Dina, so sleeping has been a problem for both mommy and baby. Yesterday she even threw up a couple of time so I took her to the child specialist for a proper checkup. Her medications cost me RM100 but what's that compared to my baby's health. I'm pleased to announce that today her fever went down considerably and her nose isn't so runny anymore. She still has the cough but I think the phlegm is going away. She doesn't sound like a hacking dog so much when she coughs now.
My parents are in Hanoi right now on their bi-monthly golf trips. I think they're coming back tonight. I know my mom is hoping we'll be coming over this weekend but I really need to do some serious studying for my exams. I'm so freaked out right now, I can't seem to remember any formulas or definitions. I already know my standing grade for OB; B+ which is somewhat of a downer coz I'm really hoping I get an A for that subject. Here's hoping my pair assignment went well, plus I don't panic during finals. I think I'm ok for my Econs but there's just so much to cover for the finals. Accounts....urghh....I need to do a lot of praying for that class. Hahaha.
All in all, it's been an adventurous 4 months. Challenging, to say the least but thanks to the support from my family, my bosses and my staff, I think I did ok.
Here's to the next 5 trimesters. God help me!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Dina: Ibu, I have to color the flags of all the states. Can you help me?
Me: OK, what state are you looking for?
Dina: Negere Sembilang.
Me: You mean, Negeri Sembilan.
Dina: That's what I said. After that is Pulau Pening.
Me: Pinang!!!
Dina: Huh? I also need to know how to color Selawak.
Me: *sigh*
Posted by Along at 8:27 PM 6 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The weekend after I wrote about my desire for a study table, I went (alone) to Ik.ea to get all the items in my previous post. A personal record, shopping at ik.ea only took me 40 minutes (add 15 minutes for searching for someone to help me place all the heavy items onto the trolley). Total damage: RM7++.
I was actually working that day so I did all my shopping before the event started. Thank you to the Deshman that help me put everything into my tiny myvi. Hehehe...kalau nak harapkan diri sendiri, ada pecah tingkap aku kejekan kot.
The next morning, I had a group discussion. When I got back, this is what I found in the kitchen.Yaaaaa...En Rashid sudah masuk mood Tim "the toolman" Taylor.
The girls...helping...not so much.
The result. Hehehee...I scattered my books so the place looks "busy". Muahahha..
This is a cool clock. You have the time on one side.
Twist the top to show the alarm.
Twist again for the day and date.
Twist again for the temperature.
Don't ask me where I bought it; I got it for free. Korang tengok sini je la yer...jaki dari jauh. Hehehe..
En Rashid has promised to put an aircon in the room coz it does get rather humid in the afternoons (so close to the windows). As you can see, I place the fan so it cools me off directly in my face. Hah!
OKla, have to continue studying. My finals are in a week. Eeeeekkkkk!!!