I waxed my legs for the first time this morning.
Now I know why women do it.
Once I rubbed lotion all over them, man!! Were my legs smooth. Smoother than a baby’s bottom.
I should know. I actually tested them against Daria’s bottom.
I showed hubby and he was impressed.
Actually, what he said was “that’s an improvement” but let’s just make believe he was so enamored by smooth legs that he jumped me there and then and….ok, maybe we shouldn’t go there.
And I can’t stop rubbing them myself.
I need a hobby.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wa Ai Ni
Semalam aku sakit belakang, sakit tulang belikat, sakit leher. Satu hari takde mood. Nak makan takde mood, nak buat keje lagi la. So aku pun layan CD cite Di Pinggir Hati, budak ofis bagi tengok. 5 episod je pun, so start time lunch, aku layan satu demi satu CD. Sambil tu sebelah screen bukak email. Takde la nampak sangat melanguk, ye tak.
Memula aku macam, alahai, apa punya cite la ni…dialog macam biasa, fail. Aksi heroin dia pun macam gedik je memula. Tapi bab bila hero cite dia keluar, aku macam take notice lak.
Ok, nak bagi synopsis sket. Heroin dia nama Rina, gadis Singapore. Hero dia nama Ma Weng, jejaka China (Harbin). Cerita dia typical met in the internet, jatuh cintan..bla, bla, bla…dan add in the usual gangguan keluarga, hal keje, macam2 lagi la.
Yer, aku pernah ada bf berbangsa cina. Ni zaman sekolah menengah dulu. Asalnya kawan cina aku, si Jen (bukan Jennifer Aniston), yang minat mamat ni (nama dia Ship). Dah la, tiap kali nak pi jumpa Ship ni, dia heret aku. In other words, aku menjadi mak pacak kat situ. Tapi ok jugak sebab Ship selalu belanja aku minum sekali. Time tu aku pandai la oder fresh oren la, guava juice la…mauahahaha, ye ah, orang belanja…kalau kluar duit sendiri, aku minum ais kosong je la.
Then satu hari, si Jen (bukan Jennifer Aniston) soh aku hantar love letter dia kat Ship. Alahai, ok lagi sebab dapat upah coklat. Murahnya services aku. Aku pun pi la jumpa Ship ni, bagi letter. Ntah camne, aku end up berborak ngan dia. Maybe sebab aku takde perasaan ngan dia, dan dah anggap dia “off the market”, aku rasa sangat best berborak ngan dia. Macam2 topik kluar, merepek2 je.
Tapi lepas tu, si Ship ni asyik nak berborak ngan aku lak. Mujur la si Jen (bukan Jennifer Aniston) ni pun dia still layan, kalau tak, obvious sangat la. Tapi kita tau la kan, bila ada orang suka kat kita, pay attention sket, dia punya feeling tu semacam la.
Lama2 aku pun terasa macam best je kawan ngan Ship ni. Then ada satu hari tu, dia ajak aku pi minum tanpa Jen (bukan Jennifer Aniston). Aku pun orait je. Tengah borak2 tu, dia tanya aku, takde boyfriend ke. Aku dah cite dulu kan, time aku sekolah dulu, aku sangat2 la tak menariknya. Bukan nak kata sekarang cantik tertarik thebomb tapi zaman sekolah…eeee, aku pun geleng kepala kalau tengok gambar2 aku time tu. So aku pun geleng, mana la ada orang suka kat aku ni. Lepas tu Ship cakap, ada la orang yang suka.
Feewwwiittt!! 1st time tangan aku kena pegang laki, dah tu kena romantika macam tu. Terus aku panik. Eh, biar betul…bukan ko couple ngan Jen (bukan Jennifer Aniston) ke? Minah tu punya lawa, seksi lagi..apahal la ko minat kat aku lak. Macam2 la reasons yang dibagi oleh Ship; aku pandai buat lawak la, aku tak asyik nak melaram je (padahal memang tak reti), aku terror dalam kelas, aku tak sombong. Wah, macam best lak jadi aku. Muahahhaha. Tapi aku memang terharu sesangat time tu.
So start dari saat tu, aku ngan Ship pun berkepit la jugak. As expected hubungan aku ngan Jen (bukan Jennifer Aniston) jadi renggang, which aku terkilan sampai sekarang. Tapi aku rasa best giller dapat Chinese bf ni, memang best giller cara depa layan nak banding ngan bf melayu. Dia punya gentleman, cara dia cakap ngan kita, siap tenung mata…peh, cair wa cakap lu. Tak tau la Ship ni sorang yang macam tu ke, ataupun ada lelaki melayu jugak macam tu. Maybe ada. Tapi apa yang aku cite ni, semua based on experience aku.
Apa2 pun, relationship aku ngan Ship tak kekal lama. Time form 4, aku masuk asrama. Tau2 je la masuk asrama ni, ko nak terberak pun takde time, apa lagi nak tulis2 surat cinta tu. So we lost contact. Tapi memang aku terkenang la si Ship time tengok cite drama tu semalam. Tersenyum2 sendiri aku dibuatnya.
In conclusion, saya sangat love suami saya, En Rashid. Cik abang jangan risau, saya takkan terjun “Ship” kalau jumpa mamat ni lagi pun. Muahahahaha…
Posted by Along at 6:32 PM 6 comments
Labels: Memory Lane
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday Blues
RM13,000 poorer today.
Terus no appetite. To eat. To work. To do anything.
To that person who owes me RM120,000, when are you going to pay me back??!! Must I crawl on my knees and beg for my own money before you acknowledge the issue between us?
Dasar kawan makan kawan.
Posted by Along at 12:52 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 23, 2010
Plans For The Weekend
OK, so I finally settled all the stuff required by the University. So last minutes! Here's hoping this attitude doesn't continue when I start classes. Sheeshh.
We have quite a full weekend planned ahead. Dania has replacement school tomorrow so we might go shopping for her bike (which hubby promised ages ago!) in the morning. I also have to search for a flower girls' dress for Fara (my cousin's daughter). My cousin's wedding is on Sunday so we'll be heading down to Johor that day. Minus Daria and Bibik since the little girl (Daria, not Bibik) is still not 100% well.
Feeling hungry but too lazy to eat. Bleh ke?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
It's Been One Of Those Days
It all starting with the phonecall I received yesterday from the University.
Uni Clerk: Mrs Azlina, this is regarding your application for ...... It's incomplete. We still need one passport photo and a copy of your latest payslip. Also, your 1st degree is not accredited by JPA so we need you to get a Letter of Credentials from them.
Me: Huh? What?
Uni Clerk: Yeah...oh, and we need them by this Friday.
Shit!! I thought everything was in order. All those things weren't mentioned in the website. Plus, thanks for calling me at 5.30pm, when it was too late for me to do anything that late.
Luckily today I only had one morning meeting. I sms'ed my boss about the situation and she agreed to give me half day to settle everything.
This morning when I woke up, I saw spots all over Daria's body. Great!! Measles! No wonder she had been having the fever off and on for the past 3 days. I took her to the clinic and the doctor verified the case. She gave us some calamine lotion and told me to make sure that Daria got lots of fluids, coconut water being the best.
Since the clinic only opened at 9am, I arrived at the office around 10am. Luckily there was available parking in the basement. I rushed to the meeting, determined to get out before lunch. Unfortunately the meeting dragged on until 12pm. Then my emails acted up and refused to leave the outbox. After rebooting my laptop (dammit, I need a new one!!), I finally cleared all pending emails and packed up my stuff to leave.
But I was hungry. Starving even. So I took my officemate out for a quick lunch. In the end, I took off for JPA around 245pm. luckily traffic was light and I arrived there in record time. After driving around looking for parking (the signage sucks!), I headed to the 6th floor.
As it turns out, I was required to show my scholarship offer letter or student visa to get the letter. What?!! That was like 16 years ago!! I asked the lady there if there was any other way. She said, since I wasn't under a JPA scholarship, I had to show proof that I was a student like 10 years back.
Fine!! Let me go back and rummage through my pile of stuff at home and try to find my old passport!!
I rushed home but not before I made a quick detour to buy Daria some coconuts. I basically made a mess of my bedroom searching for my old passport. Luckily ada!!
It was already 4pm. The office closed at 5pm but knowing government...hmm, it would be more like 445pm. As I drove out onto the highway....what? What was this?!
Are you freaking kidding me?!! A roadblock??!! For the love of....I'm in a rush here, people!!
Ok, roadblock over. But that cost me 10 minutes. Wait, something's blinking.
GREAT!! Just super!! I need to stop for fuel now.
OK, calm down, petrol station is just ahead. Drive in, pump fuel and drive out in 10 minutes. Wait...oh, crap...I pumped the expensive fuel. Ok, that's enough...RM20 should do it. En Rashid can fill up the tank later.
Drive..drive..reach the JPA at 430pm. Sign in and get to the 6th floor. Give all the forms required and wait for the letter. Hmm....as expected, most of the staff started going home at 445pm. Hah!!
But at least I got the letter. However seeing it was already nearly 5pm, there was no way I could get to the University to submit everything before the office closed today. Plus I still hadn't done my passport photo. Crap, might as well head home.
I called the Uni and they said I could send everything in by hand Friday morning. Hmm..ok la.
Footnote: Daria's doing a bit better but she's become very clingy and fo the first time, refused to eat. Poor baby.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Omnitrix Included?
I saw this car yesterday during my visit to the outlets. Pergh..eventhough I have three girls, I know of this cartoon character. I almost wanted to wait to see who the owner was.
Posted by Along at 9:59 AM 8 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Further proof that my brother is not "all that right" in the head. Below are sms's between him and I about his wedding cake.
Me: Ngah, wording atas kek hantaran nak letak apa? Along ingat nak letak "To the world, you may be one person, But to me, you are the World. I Love You!" Ada nak jiwang lagi ke?
Ngah: Perkh...Jiwang abis! Apa kata..."Cintaku cintamu jua" or "England = World Champion!"
Me: U suck!! Dah, guna wordings along. Habis cite.
Ngah: Alaaa....Okok apa kata "u jump, I jump..Jack, there's a boat Jack..Preeett...There's a boat!"
Me: Baik letak "woman meets gorilla, fall in Love".
Ngah: Terbaikkk!! Can change "woman" to "lady in pink". Zaiti was in her now legendary pink baju kurung when we first meet. Aaahhh...
Posted by Along at 10:23 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Daria and Her Shoes
Since Daria has started walking and refuses to just sit in her stroller when we go out, I decided to get her used to wearing shoes. Bibik took out all of Dania's and Dina's old baby shoes and one by one, we tried them on Daria.
She was comprehensive at first and truth be told, she was kind of irritated with the shoes. The first time we put them on her feet, she walked around like there were magnets attached to the bottom of her shoes. She then tried to pull the shoes off. She couldn't coz they were the Velcro type but she did succeed in pulling the ENTIRE SOLE off one of her shoes. And then she clapped her hands!!
Sabar je la anak ibu ni!
It cost me RM10 to fix the shoes but whatever, I'm not going to spend on new baby shoes, especially since the girls wear them for A DAY and then they're too small already.
So today we tried the shoes on Daria again. This time was a bit better, she actually gave them a try. But then she tried to pick the Minnie Mouse jibbitz that were on her shoes. And then she just gave up walking altogether and decided to crawl again. Hmmm...this is going to take some time to get used to.Trying out the shoes...still smiling.
The shoes up close. These used to belong to Dania...and they're still ok. Why buy new, right?
OK, now I'm tired. These shoes are breaking my stride!!
Maybe if I tried ripping off the soles again....
Or maybe if I just got rid of Minnie here...
Please...take these shoes off me!!
This is what Daria does whenever she sees one of us praying or when she hears the Azan on the TV. Hehehehe..maybe she's praying someone will help her with her shoes. Keep on trying, Syazmin!!
Posted by Along at 11:17 PM 6 comments
Labels: Daria
Perlukah Sampai 20?
Bila lagi nak guna duit rakyat untuk "lawatan sambil belajar" ni kan?!!
ps: Takpe...pikir baik..maybe lawatan itu ditanggung oleh pihak ke3...mana la tau....(yeah, right!)
*click on image for bigger view.
Posted by Along at 1:03 PM 5 comments
Labels: In the News, Politics, Rant
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
How Could I Forget?!
Congratulations to my girlfriend LIN for safely delivering her cute twin baby boys, Hadi and Hamdi!!
She delivered last Wednesday? Thursday? (Zai, when did we go and visit her?) at HUKM. Both babies are doing fine, although initially they had to be admitted due to low blood sugar.
Lin!! Welcome to the Mommy Club. We'll come to visit again in a month's time when all of you have settled down.
Ahhhh...geramnya tengok baby2 Lin. But does this make me want to have more babies?
Hah! NO!!
Posted by Along at 9:37 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Lagi Lagi Kes Buang Anak
Hari ni aku bukak paper, ada lagi cite buang bayi.Ya Allah…aku dah muak..muak..muak..ngan cite ni!! Tak habis2. Apesal la manusia ni?
Hari tu aku baca entry Green Apple pasal benda ni (Entry Kecik Kecik Takmo Mampos). Ada lak manusia yang bleh defend si “ibu” (aku letak dalam quotes sebab pada aku dia TAK LAYAK dapat gelaran tu!) yang membuang bayi. Kononnya kita tak tau, apa sebab dia buang…maybe dia kena rogol, maybe boyfriend dia takmo bertanggungjawab.
Masya Allah…aku rasa Green Apple pun puas la tulis lagi entry mengexplain maksud dia bila dia bang pompuan2 ni.
Aku pun in the same boat as GA. Maybe aku tak paham la or tak tahu perasaan camne kena rogol or kena tinggalkan dek boyfriend lepas dibuntingkan. Tapi aku tau perasaan camne ada baby dalam perut kita. 1st time terasa dia menendang, 1st time rasa dia berpusing. Aku still bleh ingat sampai sekarang. Lepas tu peritnya nak kluarkan dia…and rasa syukur dan gembira tak terhingga bila dah selesai. Semua tu still vivid dalam ingatan aku.
So aku memang tak paham kenapa ada sanggup betina (sori ye, sebab perangai pun macam binatang) yang buang baby dia lepas dah 9 bulan ko kandung dalam badan, dah separuh nyawa ko terbang nak kluarkan dia…boleh ko balut dia ngan suratkhabar lepas tu campak dalam tong sampah? SANGGUP???!! Kalau takdir budak tu lahir2 dah stillborn, satu hal la…tapi kalau lahir ngan sempurna..ko tak kesian ke dengar tangisan budak tu? Apa jiwa ko dah betul2 mati ke?!!
Aku takmo judge pompuan yang mengandung anak luar nikah. Bukan tempat aku untuk judge. Tapi memang tempat aku untuk memaki hamun, sumpah seranah pompuan yang membuang bayi mereka di tempat sampah, sampai kena hurung dek semut, sampai jadi makanan anjing. Sebabnya dosa ko ngandung anak haram tu satu hal la, ko pi tambah ngan dosa membunuh lak!!
Kalau betul ko taknak anak tu, ramai…I repeat ramai yang nakkan baby tu. Sekarang ni pun kerajaan dah sediakan macam pusat kebajikan untuk pompuan2 “teraniaya” macam ni. Ko cakap je, semua benda tersedia. Ubat2 semua dia bagi, kalau tak silap check up pun free.
Mungkin ada yang nak bagi reason, nak tutup malu keluarga. Ooooo, time ni pandai lak ko malu. Time kangkang kaki depan jantan tu, ko tak tahu malu. Shy2 cat like that.
Aku ada 3 anak pompuan, ok, jangan pikir aku tak risau kalau benda ni berlaku kat anak2 aku. Nauzubillah, mintak jauh la, mau aku menangis 10 baldi. Tapi…apa2 pun, aku akan tetap terima anak aku tu, akan tetap terima baby tu. Malu pada masyarakat tu, memang la. Tapi aku pikir, biar la aku malu pada manusia dari aku malu pada Allah esok hari.
So kepada pompuan2 kat luar sana yang tengah ngandungkan anak haram, pikir2 la sebelum ko buang anak tu. Apa la dosa budak kecik tu, bukan dia mintak dilahirkan dalam keadaan macam tu. Do the right thing, hantar la baby tu kepada hospital ke, ke rumah kebajikan ke. Ada orang yang akan menolong. Kepada yang kena rogol tu, still, pikir camni la. Anak tu actually rahmat buat ko. Benda paling dikeji dah terjadi pada ko, tapi Allah balas ngan bagi ko benda paling indah sebenarnya. Dan pahala yang ko dapat kalau bela anak tu cukup2…insya’allah, terjamin la tiket ko masuk syurga.
Please la…aku dah takmo baca lagi hal buang anak ni. No more!
Ps: Sapa takmo baby lelaki dia, bagi kat aku. Aku bleh bela…didik sampai jadi angkasawan Malaysia terbaru.
Posted by Along at 1:29 PM 5 comments
Labels: Baby, In the News, Rant
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Hubby
Tua dah laki aku..muahahahahaaa.
Yesterday was hubby's 34th birthday. Eventhough I had planned so many activities for us to do that day, in the end, when you work so many hours during the week, the best birthday present is a whole day just for relaxing and spending time with the girls.
So that's what we did. I cooked nasi lemak for brunch and we lazed around watching reruns of The Good Wife and The Amazing Race (my two favourite shows). In the end, we all headed out for dinner.
Initially we wanted to go to the M.I.N.E.S but then hubby said S.U.N.W.A.Y would be better. Somehow we ended up at I.O.I. Hah, same as last year. First we decided to have Papa Johns (same as last year) but ended up sitting down at TGIF. Ok la..the food was ok (kids eat free!) but the portions could have been more. I think for western food, I'm gonna stick with Chillies.
We walked around until the shops closed then headed home. The girls fell asleep in the car so it was a hassle trying to get them to bed. Daria was the only one who fell asleep right away when I put her in her cot. She didn't wake until 5am for her feeding.
All in all, it was an uneventful birthday celebration but one spent with family is a good one.
Happy birthday hubby!! Love you so much!!
Posted by Along at 4:35 PM 5 comments
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Getting Hot & Sweaty With Hubby
Yeah..it's not what you think. Hah!!
Last week, F1 came to town. Hubby got us tickets to see the race which was kind of great because the last time we went, I was pregnant with Dina. Since we had plans on Saturday, we didn't go see the qualifiers. Too bad because it rained and watching a race in the rain is always exciting. On the way to Sepang. Hubby had his BMW t-shirt and Ferrari sunglasses on. Hawt!!
The final race was to start at 4pm so we decided to ditch the kids at my mom's house and head to Sepang from there. Fortunately traffic was handled right by the police but we nearly missed the Air Force performance. I had to take pictures from the car, which was ok since they flew right above us many times. The fighter planes that flew above us. They did some really great acrobatics.
We arrived at the race track around 3pm so we had an hour to kill before the race started. We headed in and visited all the booths they had outside. Hubby, before heading in.
My time to pose near the entrance.
My dream car..in another lifetime..with another husband. Muahahahahaaa..
Hubby with his dream car.
L.G also had a booth promoting their latest 3D TV screen. Aaannndd of course hubby took notice of all the sexy promoters. Enough to notice one of them had a tattoo on the small of her back.
Our tickets put us right and the end at the Tower so it was a long walk from the entrance. I was already regretting having jeans on. We got there just in time to see the racers start their initial lap before the race. The racers getting ready for the flag off.
Our seats were right at the end, right at the entrance to the pits top area. At a corner, so we were hoping to see a few good crashes.
Dudes, the sound of the engines...deafening doesn't even begin to describe it. Ear splitting doesn't even begin to describe it. And to make matters worst, we both forgot to bring any earplugs. We spent an entire hour with fingers in our ears, trying to lessen the sound of the engines.This is how we spent the entire time at the tracks. *Sigh*
After an hour (and after Schumi had bowed out), we decided we had inhaled enough tire fumes to last a lifetime. We also didn't want to get caught in any traffic jam so around 5.30, we headed back. But not before we took more pictures. Schumi's car getting towed away. Too bad for him.
Check out the prices of the food and drinks sold at the track. RM20 for 6 sticks of satay?!! RM20 for a hotdog?!! And the Mat Salleh's were all lining up to buy.
Checking the race status at one of the big screen TVs set up near the tracks. I don't understand, you pay hundreds of ringgit for tickets and end up watching the race on a TV screen. Just stay at home next time!!
Sweaty and half deaf..time to go home.
Posted by Along at 5:00 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Yet To Be Updated
Arghhh...I have so many half written posts in my dashboard, it's ridiculous.
1) The Genting trip - arghh!! I think I need more pictures for this. Must ask from my brother.
2) My late grandma - shiittt!! I can't believe I left this one hanging. Will try to complete it this weekend.
3) F1 event - yep, I went with hubby!! It was great and not great...and we ended up leaving early. Blahhh..
4) After searching for years, I finally found the song that hubby and I used to listen to ALL THE TIME when we were at Vandy. This song used to come out on the radio a lot and we would crank up the volume and head bang. Hah...that's right kids, I used to head bang!!
Shame - Stabbing Westward.
Ahhh...this brings back memories.
Posted by Along at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 02, 2010
Dania's Prize Giving Ceremony
Last Saturday, Dania's school held a prize giving ceremony to celebrate the students who had achieved the top 3 places in class and also best marks for all subjects for last year's examinations. Dania was among those selected; she got 2nd place in class and best student for Bahasa Malaysia penulisan (writing).
The ceremony was suppose to start at 11am but the PIBG (PTA) meeting held earlier finished late, so it was about 12pm when they lined up all the students to receive their awards. Here are some photos of Dania during the ceremony.
Dania was among the first to go up on stage so it was easy getting her picture while the students were waiting under the tent.
The picture is a bit blur but I like how they decorated the stage this year. It's like the teachers actually made some effort, rather than just tack some balloons to the wall and hang a lopsided banner.
Posted by Along at 4:41 AM 6 comments
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Picture Time
Stuck in a meeting (what else is new?). While I dig my brain trying to complete the slides for tomorrow's presentation (arghhh!!), here are the latest photos of Daria.

Ibuuu...I told you don't run. I don't want to friend you!!
Posted by Along at 7:19 PM 7 comments
Labels: Daria