Last Saturday, Dania's school held a prize giving ceremony to celebrate the students who had achieved the top 3 places in class and also best marks for all subjects for last year's examinations. Dania was among those selected; she got 2nd place in class and best student for Bahasa Malaysia penulisan (writing).
The ceremony was suppose to start at 11am but the PIBG (PTA) meeting held earlier finished late, so it was about 12pm when they lined up all the students to receive their awards. Here are some photos of Dania during the ceremony.
Dania was among the first to go up on stage so it was easy getting her picture while the students were waiting under the tent.
The picture is a bit blur but I like how they decorated the stage this year. It's like the teachers actually made some effort, rather than just tack some balloons to the wall and hang a lopsided banner.
Wahhh...well done Dania.. U go gurl...!!
apsal ayam posing semacam je tu?
Aapitz: Tq, tq..this year targetting for #1!!
TOAJ: Semacam? ok la tu..kira ayu la. Hehehe..gaya seorang abah yang bangga.
I am so not surprised that they are smart as well as lovely. And I just love that first pic! She's so funny.
Congrats Dania..keep it up...
AJB: You're too sweet. Dania thanks you for the kind words.
Sal: Tq auntie Sal!!
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