Typing this at the hospital.
Poor Daria had to be admitted due to a virus infection she picked up at the swimming pool at Bukit Gambang.
What a way to end our family holiday...and 2010.
So far, her fever has reduced but the infection is still there. You can hear it when she breathes....all the phlegm in her lungs.
So far, we've spent 2 nights at the hospital. Sleeping with an active baby in a single bed doesn't really give you much space to sleep. Plus, I have to take care of her drip line to make sure it doesn't get tangled.
Have lots to update with pictures and all. Despite the outcome of Bukit Gambang, we all really did have fun there. Maybe next time when Daria's older and stronger, we'll head out there again. This time with the whole clan.
OK, have to go. Have to call the nurse to put in Daria's drip since she won't eat or drink much. My poor baby is losing her chubbiness by the minute!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Last Day of 2010
Posted by Along at 3:45 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Best Couple for 2011
*Nampak sangat aku fail bab photoshop ni tapi ada aku kisah? Muahahaa...sori, tengah bengong baru habis assignment kul 3am.
Posted by Along at 3:00 AM 5 comments
Labels: Celebrities, Silly Me
Friday, December 24, 2010
YB, Goat, Monkey


Posted by Along at 12:16 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Si Razak Malaun Tu Lagi!!
Aku tengah letih lagi ni. Last weekend, kitaorang bergerombolan cik kiah pi Kedah, cousin aku punya wedding belah lelaki. Best sangat, makan sedap, tempat tinggal best, udara nyaman…memang worth the 5 hours drive aku ngan En Rashid buat tengah2 malam. Giller ko, jumaat tu aku habis kelas kul 930pm, sampai rumah around 10pm, lepark2 kejap…around kul 11.30pm En Rashid ajak drive terus ke Kedah. Alasan..kalau tido dulu, mesti terlajak, lepas tu dia kena drive dalam cuaca panas. Ala, musim hujan la, manade panas. Tapi dek En Rashid dah offer nak pi tu, eventho dia punya demam blum 100% over, aku dah bersyukur dah. Terus kemas beg, mandi bagi segar sket, masuk kereta hebat and jalan!
Tapi aku bukan nak cite pasal wedding kat Kedah sebab itu sangat best dan aku blum habis upload semua gambar. Ni aku nak cite wedding belah kitaorang kat Melaka.
OK, sapa yang follow blog aku (ada?!!), tau kan aku dah pernah story hal caterer bernama Razak ni. Ni aku bagi link2 dia lagi..part 1, part 2. OK, so wedding cousin aku pakai caterer Razak ni, dengan penuh berat hati sebab time yang adik ipar aku kawin aritu, makcik aku dah bayar deposit dalam RM3K. So eventho diaorang tengok sendiri 1st hand camne palatnya si Razak ni buat catering, dek tak bleh dapatkan balik deposit tu, nak tak nak terpaksa pasrah and pakai jugak la si malaun ni.
Day of the wedding, aku ngan family mai lambat. En Rashid punya hal..time aku nak cepat, time tu la dia nak try test jalan baru pi rumah makcik aku. Dah la berpusing satu Melaka baru sampai. Sabarrrr! Kitaorang sampai dalam kul 12, dah nak kul 1pm. Time tu pengantin tak mai lagi, tetamu pun blum start ramai. Banyak meja2 still kosong. Tapiiiii, bila aku jenguk makanan…aik? Awat dah tinggal sipi2?!!
Oya, lauk kenduri dia bagi. Ayam goreng, paceri nenas yang sangat fail, kuah kacang dal ngan kurma daging. Aku menaip nama2 lauk ni pun tak berselera. Ayam goreng dia, dah le kecik2 giller ok dia kerat ayam tu. Aku rasa sekor, dia potong 22 kot. Lepas tu untuk 1000 orang makan, dia bagi 150 ekor ayam je! Bengong betul. Mak Ngah aku punya la terperanjat, dia lagi tahu la sebab dia pun caterer. Mak Ngah aku cakap..kalau 1000 orang makan, ayam kena 350-400 ekor. Sebabnya, sorang bukan ambik seketul je. Dah la ko potong sekecik2 yang boleh. Bebudak yang mai kenduri, diaorang takde tengok lauk lain…ayam goreng je la yang depa bedal. Lepas tu paceri nenas….mak ai, ni nenas masak air la! Takde rasa rempah langsung, dah la nenas tu ko tak buang segala mata, hidung, bulu hidung benda tu….part nenas yang keras tu pun ko tak buang! Hampeh betul la. Dalca bertulang….muahahahaha…dia bagi kuah kacang dal, ok. Kuah kacang dal!! Beria aku dok usya, kot2 la roti canai kat situ. And then, lauk daging dia…kuah je lebih…cedok2, ada la 2-3 ketul daging..dah la macam nak hancur dah daging tu.
Eeeeeeee, geramnya.
OK, yang lain aku kena sebut jugak. Khemah, ok, takde banyak isu. Kali ni, siap ngan air pancut semua tapi bagi aku buat menyemak je. Nak ambik gambar pun susah. Servers dia tip top…ambik kederat remaja2 mana ntah. Tapi ok la adik2 tu, rajin gak la membersihkan meja, sediakan minuman semua. Cuma tu la…sian gak aku tengok bebudak yang jaga area makanan. Macam malu2 plak. Ye ah…kot aku pun malu kalau baru kul 145pm, lauk semua dah habis!!
Kul 145pm ko!! Kenduri sampai kul 4pm.
Mak Ngah aku sound la tukang masak tu..ni mana makanan lagi ni, orang dah start datang. Kejap lagi pengantin nak berarak semua. Ko tau apa tukang masak tu cakap? “Ye ha, memang la makanan habis..dah 1500 orang mai.”
Kepala hotak ko!!
Boleh kira la berapa kerat orang yang mai before 1pm tu. Banyak meja2 kosong. Orang start mai after 2pm, sebab nak tengok pengantin. Bodoh!!
Last2, Mak Ngah aku soh jugak masak something. Terkial2 la depa masak lauk ayam kari. Bodoh!! Kenduri kawin masak ayam kari. Apa punya pe’el la ni?
Dah tu,yang best…nak ganti paceri nenas dia yang tak menjadi, korang tau apa dia bagi? Dia hiriskan nenas ngan timun…nah!! Itu dah jadi satu lauk. Aduhai….tensen giller aku tengokkan.
Sib baik la kitaorang ada preparekan acar buah sendiri. Itu kira penyelamat jugak la. Lauk habis, paling tidak orang ambik nasik, kuah kari ngan acar buah. Sedih ko!! Yang bestnya, dia punya tukang jaga VIP table tu (mamat mana ntah), siap bleh sound kitaorang sebab pi letak acar buah tu kat meja2 VIP. Dia kata, manade orang makan acar buah kat kenduri kawin.
Kepala hotak ko!! Kalau tak dek acar buah ni la, takde langsung apa2 tetamu ni nak makan tau. Acar buah ok la….yg ko pi bagi kuah dal tu untuk apa? Nak cicah apa? Roti bom? Bodoh!!
Memang out la Razak caterer ni!! Memang suka merosakkan majlis orang. Setakat air pancut je grand tapi makanan out!! Oya, makanan pengantin? Ayam golek tadak. Udang masak butter prawn? Muahahahah…dah la pakai udang kecik..dia rebusnya lepas tu gaul ngan cabbage hiris, letak mayonis. Apa bangang punya resepi ni? Aiskirm yang makteh aku oder untuk 500 orang? Mana? Mana? Bila tanya, bleh cakap lori aiskrim on the way. Sampai kesudah tak nampak, jangankan lori…asap lori pun tadak.
Ni ada lagi duit lebih kat makteh aku untuk catering tu. Kitaorang dah cakap “JANGAN BAGI!!”. A few days after kenduri tu, wakil Razak mai rumah makteh aku tanyakan duit lebih. Makteh aku tak bukak pintu pun, dia soh mamat tu pi jumpa Pakteh aku kat ofis dia. Come on la Razak, ko dah buat palat….time minta duit, ko hantar wakil je? Apa, tak berani nak tunjukkan muka ke? Last2 Pakteh aku kata, takde pun mamat tu mai ke ofis dia mintak duit. Bagus!! Pi mampos la sama Razak and the gang. Makan duit haram!! Time nak menjual tu, cakap punya la berbunga…bila time kenduri, punah!!
Oya, as expected, mamat Razak tu takde pun time kenduri. Langsung tak jenguk. Biasa la kan…duit dah dapat, buat nak ambik tahu. Malaun betul. Memang barua!!
The nest day, cousin aku yang lagi sorang pi kenduri kawin kawan dia. Kebetulan ambik jugak Razak ni. Kes haru gak, kul 130pm makanan habis. Sampai mak ayah pengantin dok dalam rumah sebab malu.
Nanti la ko Razak. Ni ko bleh la nak pi sana sini jaja nama ko as the best caterer in Melaka konon. Ko keep track ke semua orang yang ko tipu ni? Akan mai masa ko nanti…punya lama ko ambik duit orang tapi bagi benda tak serupa apa yang dijanjikan. Ko ingat orang halalkan ke duit tu? Kembung la perut ko makan duit haram!!
Posted by Along at 2:30 PM 7 comments
Labels: Stoopid People, Wedding
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Irritating Website...Among Other Stuff
If you are going to ask for your employee's feedback, please ensure the links in website that has all the questions are up and running!! Why make me do the bloody survey twice, only to get a "This page has expired" link half way through!!
Do you or don't you want our honest opinions? Coz it seems to me like you don't!!
I owe so much on my blog, just haven't gotten around to jot them down. I need to blog about my cousin's wedding, held both in Melaka and Kedah. I need to blog about our family vacay in Kedah. I need to blog about the bloody caterer (Razak!!) who ruined the wedding in Melaka.
Will do this once I find the time to breathe.
Posted by Along at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Lelaki Manja
Posted by Along at 10:49 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Which One To Choose?
Ryan Reynolds?
Or Zac Efron?
Coz both of them are super yummy....and now single!! Hehehe..
*couger mode*
ps: Menyesal x Noresh ko menanya...hehehe..sori, ter"up"kan post sebelum sempat masukkan gambar.
Posted by Along at 11:53 AM 13 comments
Labels: Celebrities
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
On 3 hours of sleep! Yesterday I had to take EL because Syazmin’s cough became so much worst, so bad that she couldn’t sleep because she was hacking all night long. I took her to the clinic where the doctor put her on nebulizer for 20 minutes. And what a harrowing 20 minutes that was! Syazmin hated having the mask on her face so much, she was balling her eyes out and twisting her body left and right, trying to get it off. I had to wrap my arms around her arms and legs while the nurse had to hold her head still. Poor baby. I had to take her for a second dosage in the evening but fortunately hubby was back from work, so this time he held Syazmin while I tried to keep the mask on her face. She was still coughing last might but at least she didn’t wake up every 30 minutes. Here’s hoping she gets better soon. Uwaaa...ibu needs her beauty sleep!!
Since I took the day off, I dropped by Dina’s pre-school to pick up her progress report book. All in all, the teacher didn’t have much to comment except that Dina’s lack of speaking English could be due to her friends who also didn’t speak much English when conversing with each other. I doubt this will change when she goes to regular school next month so I’ll have to pick up the slack by speaking to her in English more often at home.
We also stopped by the book store to get all the books needed for next year. God, can’t believe I spent over RM200 for the girls on their school books. Make me wonder how the low income families are coping, especially those with multiple children in school.
I then took the girls to get their hair cut. Dania was mighty reluctant; she wanted to keep her hair long. I told her she could keep her hair as long as Rapunzel once she started earning her own money and living on her own. She failed to see my point and continued to pout while the hairdresser cut her hair to a manageable length.
I spent the rest of the day, looking after Daria and checking her breathing. Once hubby had put her down for the night, I started on my FM assignment. Crap, that shit is due in 2 weeks!! You’ll think having to type out one page of answer for each question would be easy enough, especially when the font size is 13 but helltotheno…apparently not when you’re surviving on 5 minutes of sleep.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Late Night
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Salam Maal Hijrah
Slow kan aku? Biasa la..karang dah 10 hari lepas Christmas, baru aku wish yer. Then New Year, aku sambut in Februari. Muahahaha...
Ni saja nak share email yang aku receive from kawan (thanks Lin!) tentang Hijrah yang sebenarnya.
Tadi ustadz ceramah pasal hijrah. Antara isi kandungannya ialah
1. Kemenangan yang pertama bagi seorang muslim ialah apabila meninggalkan larangan Allah walaupun sukar utk dilakukan.
2. Hijrah pasti ada kebajikan.
3. Beza antara sambutan hijrah dan pengamatan hijrah. Kalau sambut tu..kite sekadar baca doa, baca yassin, tabalkan tokoh hijrah tapi masyarakat dan diri kita tetapi tidak berubah. Betapa Rasulullah berhijrah meninggalkan tanah tumpah lahir atas arahan Allah dan sehelai sepinggang tak piker pun apa nak tinggal or makan di madinah nanti. Akhirnya kemenangan di pihak rasul dan islam di mana di madinah nabi dapat berdakwah dan mengembangkan ajaran Islam.
4. Antara contoh hijrah ialah solat awal waktu, baca tafsir alquran, ajak anak2 baca dan hayati alquran, solat jamaah.
5. Ni part yang paling syahdu bila ustadz bercerita tentang Abdul Rahman bin Auf sabahat Rasulullah yang tertinggal takbiratul ihram untuk solat jamaah, beliau telah menginfakkan 100 unta kerana kelewatannya takbiratulihram bersama Nabi bukannya tertinggal jamaah pun. Tetapi Nabi mengatakan 100 unta itu tidak dapat membayar lewatnya takbiratulihram bersama Nabi. Bayangkan kita ni solat pun dilewat2kan dah la tak jamaah…tak sedih poon(Ketika ini ustadz sgt syahdu hingga ustadz menangis dan menangkupkan wajahnya ke meja…aduhhhh orang beriman ni kisah nabi dan sahabat pun dia boleh syahdu..kitorang satu kelas senyap je la tgk ustadz dan ada akak tu hulurkan tisu…)
6. Ciri2 hijrah (kemenangan)
a. Berjaya menundukkan nafsu utk taat perintah Allah
b. Ibadah kepada Allah semakin sempurna
c. Islam semakin tersebar (ustad dok kata kita buat sambutan Maal Hijarh tapi masyarakat tetap semakin teruk..kalu baca doa awal dan akhir tahun tapi tidak berhijrah pun..itu pun konsep hijrah rasulullah)
7. Kisah Asma’ bt Abu Bakar yang menjadi pembawa makanan ketika Nabi dan Abu Bakar menyorok di Gua Thur. Ketika itu Asma’ mengandung 8 bulan dan berjalan kaki sejauh 7km dr Mekah dan menaiki bukit selama satu jam!
Agak terasa hina dan malu sendiri bila terbaca email ni sebab time Hari Maal Hijrah, aku tengah buat apa? Ada kelas tambahan, pi beli baju sekolah anak, lepas tu terbongkang depan TV tengok HBO. Hmmm...macam "as usual" je...takde unsur2 nak berhijrah ke arah yang lebih baik pun.
Tapi takpe!! Penghijrahan tak semestinya berlaku dalam masa sehari je. Ia sepatutnya satu proses yang mengambil masa tapi kekal. Jangan hari ni berhijrah ke arah baik, esok berhujrah balik ke arah jahat. Heeee.
Apa yang aku nak "hijrahkan" diri aku?
1. Taknak buang masa lagi.
2. Taknak buat keje last minute.
3. Taknak lengahkan waktu solat.
4. Nak berhijrah ke perhubungan suami isteri yang lebih baik. (bukan nak kata sekarang tak baik...tapi of course, bleh improve.)
5. Nak berhijrah menjadi ibu yang lebih penyayang, lebih penyabar (agak payah ni...hehehe..takpe, coba dulu), lebih mengambil tahu tentang perkembangan anak2 dari segi hal sekolah, hal agama, hal makan minum. Eventho masa tu terhad sebab keje and sekolah part time...tapi kena usahakan. Lagipun, bukankah anak itu amanah Allah yang sebenarnya?
Banyak lagi nak kena "hijrahkan" diri ni..tapi cukup la yang aku senaraikan kat sini dulu. Ini pun kena mind set betul2 dulu. Semoga berjaya. Amiiinn.
Posted by Along at 11:24 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Dina's Concert & Why I Need A New Camera
Last year, I had trouble getting pictures of Dina at her concert. This year, the same thing happened again.
We arrived at the venue rather late. Hubby had sent Dina there earlier in the morning as all the students had to be there by 7.30am. Parents were suppose to arrive around 8.30am. We got there at 9am, just in time for the speeches. Yawn!!
There were 4 centers joining the ceremony so it was rather long, what with 4 performances from each center. Dina was in 2 performances; a Chinese dance and the choir.Luckily I brought a book to the concert, so I read while the other kids were performing. Don't judge me, all the other parents were only interested in seeing their own kids perform too. Heeee. But I never forgot to give my mandatory clap at the end of each performance. Some were rather good, especially the dramas.
Below are some pictures of Dina during her performances. As always, Grade A photos!!Awesome!! You can almost make out her features.
Another great shot!! This was her in the choir singing a CT Nur song. Don't ask me about the 2 angels in the front; they were a major theme throughout the concert.
Super shot!!
Dania and En Rashid sitting upstairs. Initially we sat in the hall downstairs but quickly moved up thanks to....
...all the kiasu parents who wouldn't listen to the organizer and insisted in standing up front and center to take videos of their children performing (circled in red). Dude, your kid is not the only one on stage. Get your butt out of our faces and move to the side!! A**holes!!
Dania with a cupcake she bought at the venue. Those things cost RM2 per piece and were mighty sweet! I gave her RM10 and she went and bought 5 of them. Then grumbled to me about them being too sweet. Grrr...
Dina's picture during the graduation slideshow. Grrrrr....
Dina, taking the prize for getting second in her class. Like..wtf is with my camera...I give up.
Here's Dina at home, posing with her prize and graduation folder.
And here she is with her graduation certificate and photo.
Congratulations Dina!! Here's going to real school next year.
Posted by Along at 9:01 PM 3 comments
Who says you can't watch Barney and read up on what's new at Ik.ea at the same time?Like Mother, Like Daughter.
Posted by Along at 8:25 AM 2 comments
Labels: Daria
Friday, December 03, 2010
Wedding in Ipoh



Posted by Along at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Must Go!!!
Anyone who knows me, know that I buy shoes only once a year at the annual Sch.oll warehouse sale.
And it's on this weekend!!My technique is usually going up to the counter and yelling "any shoes in size 8...size 8!!". Hehehee...if I get to go (in-laws coming to town), here's hoping I get some good deals.
Posted by Along at 9:21 AM 2 comments
Labels: Shopping
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Natrah Tickets for Sale
I bought Natrah tickets for this Sunday's show. Initially it was going to be me, my mom, my aunt, my cousin, my brother and my SIL. However, 10 minutes after buying the tickets, my mom called me and said she might not be able to go. Yesterday my lecturer mentioned that he might have an extra class so that we won't have to come during the last week of December (long Christmas holiday).
Posted by Along at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Theater