Exam semua dah settle. Ari sabtu yang lepas, last paper. Camne? OK la...budget waktu untuk exam 2 1/2 jam, aku dah siap jawab dalam masa tak sampai 2 jam pun. Hehehehe...ada 8 soalan, kena pilih 4. Sib baik la apa yang aku target keluar...dapat gak la aku menggoreng macam biasa. Semoga lulus dengan A!! Hehehehe...
So now, aku tengah cuti trimester. 2 minggu kot, ntah, kena check website. Muahahaha...boleh ke tak sure bila sekolah naik balik? To tell you the truth, I already miss classes. Taking my MBA now is such a different experience from when I was taking my degree 15 years ago (mak ai...ambik ko, tua dah tu!!). Aku rasa sebab sekarang ni aku ambik MBA, dah ada experience keje, so apa yang aku belajar, semua dah boleh relate (kecuali kelas finance..:p). Dulu masa ambik degree, sepatah haram aku tak nampak camne bleh apply benta'alah ni kat tempat keje or in life. Memang seksa...dah la aku ni bukan technical punya brain, ko pi lak ambik Electrical & Electronic Engineering...mak ai, macam buku bertemu ruas!! (betul ke peribahasa yang aku guna?). Tapi sekarang ni, apa yang aku belajar, semua makes sense. Aku bleh angkat tangan bagi pendapat yang munasabah dan munasarawak sekali dalam kelas.
Sebab tu kan, aku rasa, untuk anak2 aku...lepas depa habis SPM ke apa, aku takmo diaorang terus masuk uni untuk degree. Aku nak diaorang keje dulu, carik experience, carik dulu minat diaorang. Then baru la sambung belajar untuk dapatkan tektik2 dan teori2 yang diperlukan.
Tapiiiiii...sistem pelajaran negara ni tak menggalakkan pilihan macam tu. Kalau ko tolak tawaran masuk uni lepas spm, lepas tu dah takde tempat untuk ko lagi. Unless le banyak duit and masuk private U. Which actually aku tak kisah spend untuk anak2 aku...tapi aku tau, public universities kita pun sangat bagus program2 dia. Aku ambik MBA ni pun at one of the top public Unis in Malaysia and also one of the top ranking business schools in Asia. So why would I want to spend for a private U, when the public ones have good programs too?
Aku dah cakap ngan anak2 aku, kalau boleh, aku takmo diaorang keje ofis macam aku ngan En Rashid. Very mundane. Same thing day in day out. Kalau boleh, aku nak diaorang keje yang best dan menarik...macam photographer untuk Discovery Channel....or scientist yang kaji whales ke. Something interesting like that,a job that takes you to wonderful places and lets you meet all sorts of different people. Dulu masa aku kecik2, aku berangan nak jadi journalist yang selalu pi buat liputan kat tempat berperang. Agak giller gak dream aku, tapi masa tu aku pikir menariknya kalau aku dapat pi tengok keadaan dunia and get paid for it!! Sekarang dream job aku nak jadi Samantha Brown. Hehehehe...getting paid to travel the world.
Apa2 pun, aku rasa aku ambik MBA ni, bukan sekadar nak bukak opportunity aku naik kat Kompeni aku sekarang. Tapi lebih kepada membuka minda aku ke peluang2 lain yang ada kat dunia ni. Money is not everything, even when you're married with 3 kids. It's nice to have a lot...but I'll rather live with enough and be excited about my life, than live with a lot and feel unfulfilled.
Monday, February 28, 2011
It's Not Too Late...
Posted by Along at 11:45 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
OM Aftermath
I left the exam hall 5 minutes before time ended. Seriously, there was no point in me staying longer than necessary.
Once I got into the car, I sms'ed my classmate.
"Like WTF was that??!! Hahahha..lantak la, the best thing was, when I handed in my answer sheet to him, he started reading it...siap berkerut. Alahai..."
"1 percent of his tips were relevant"
"Hahaha, and that wld be the 1 percent not in the book. I may be the 1st not to get an A in his class. Sucks!!"
"Trust me, this is the first time his entire class fail :p"
My cheat sheet for the exam, information from all 4 chapters in 1 A4 paper, how come I still could not answer??!!
Posted by Along at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: MBA
No More Financial Papers!
Yes, done with FM. Finally. And very happy to know that I don't have to sit for any more financial classes throughout the rest of the trimester. Yippee!!
How was the exam? As usual, stressful. Good thing was that most of the hints given by the lecturer actually came out. Not so good thing, I forgot some of the essay points so it was a trade-off; easy calculations but not-so-easy essays question or messy calculations yet easy essay questions. Urghh..overall, I think I did OK. Just OK. There was one part where I only got the inspiration to answer, like 5 minutes before times was up. I hope the lecturer doesn't deduct points for bad handwriting. LOL.
Anyway, since my adrenaline level is way to high for me to sleep, I think I'll do some studying for HRM. Haven't even started to see that notes even.
ps: Many condolences to my classmate, Faizah, who's mom passed away today. She didn't come for the exam and since I knew her mom had been very sick, I kind of guess that is what happened. My other classmates confirmed the news after the exam. Al-Fatihah.
Posted by Along at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tengah stress nak exam....dah 3 kali pi toilet, perut buat hal.
Tiap kali macam ni!!
Pray I'll do OK and not pass out in the exam hall.
Posted by Along at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: MBA
Monday, February 21, 2011
Goodbye, farewell
Today I said goodbye to an old friend. We have been together for nearly 11 years. Eventhough we no longer have much in common, he was with me when I first joined the workplace. We've been through so much together, good times and bad. We've been to so many places, met so many people, had so many experiences with each other. He's been showing his age lately but all in all, still going strong. Today, he left for a new place...somewhere where I may never see him again. Before he left, I hugged him and caressed him and whispered words of encouragement. Don't forget me, I told him.Goodbye, my Wira. You have served us well. We shall miss you always. Sob...!
Posted by Along at 9:41 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Study, Study, Study
Next week is my final exams week so of course this weekend is spent in front of books and the laptop, reading up on the stuff that will be in the exams. So many hints flying around, that I don;t know what to read. Don't tell me everything because my brain would totally explode just even thinking about it.
Last night I took a breather from studying and went to my colleague's house for her CNY open house. All the way in Segambut, which both me and En Rashid were not familiar with. However, thanks to google map and our somewhat reliable GPS, we found the house. Food was a plenty and the kids enjoyed themselves. So, it was a nice venture outside the house.
Today, I spent the whole day looking at my FM & OM notes. Have not even touch my HRM notes. Oh help me, why am I putting myself through this again?
Ok, back to studying. Toodles!
Posted by Along at 6:57 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 17, 2011
No More Classes
Yeah!! We had our final class today!!
However, the stress is not over. Our 3 final exams are set for next week. Eeeeekkkk!!!
Must study maut this weekend. Crap, there's so much to cover. Good thing my boss approved my exam leave so I can (hopefully) get some last minute studying in.
Posted by Along at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: MBA
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Blog Tag - My Favorite 10 Movies
Punyala dah lama Apit tag aku soh buat entri ni. Dek sibuk ngan assignment manjang, tertangguh punya lama. Another reason is, susah gak nak namakan 10 movie paling disukai. Aku ni kaki wayang. Dulu kalau dating ngan En Rashid, tengok wayang je keje dia. TENGOK wayang yer, bukan BUAT wayang. Percayalah, aku budak baik dulu....muahahahaa (apesal gelak macam jin? no motive.)
Agak lama jugak aku nak come up ngan list aku ni. Ye ah, actually wayang cite orang dewasa ni dah lama gak aku tak tengok. Asyik2 dok tengok cite disney je. Dah tu yang anak2 aku suka heret pi tengok. Takkan nak ajak aku pi tengok cite Saw IV lak kan?
Okla, cukup meraban. Time to get down to business. Ni aku list down in no particular order. Mana datang ke kepala otak aku, aku catit.
1. The Road Home1st time aku tengok cite ni, aku nangis tak hengat dunia!! Tersedu-sedu, sampai En Rashid pun panik. Member tengah tido, alih2 aku masuk bilik tido sambil menangis2. Tak pasal2, kena bangun tido pujuk aku. Tapi serious la, cite ni memang feeling habis. Eventho dah 3 kali aku tengok, tiap kali mesti nangis bangat punya la!! Sampai aritu kluar lagi kat TV, En Rashid dah warning, jangan tengok! Kang tak pasal2 nangis sampai bengkak2 mata. Uwaaaa...tapi itu cite banyak sedih...kena la nangis sampai air hidung semua kluar. Baru feel!!
2. Dirty DancingCite ni dulu, aku selalu tengok ngan kekawan sekolah asrama dulu (Amoi! Nira! Fara! Kowie! Zam!). Part paling kitaorang suka, mesti part yang dia joget last2 tu. Time tu semua feeling Patrick Swayze nyanyi lagu tu untuk diri memasing. Time tu jugak la semua berangan nak pakai gown ala skirt kembang. Nanti pusing2, bleh terangkat2 gitu. Muahahahaa...giller poyos! Tapi cite ni memang best. Kalau tengok, mesti jatuh rindu pada kekawan lama aku yang dah bertahun tak jumpa. Mana korang ah?!!
3. GhostPakcik Patrick lagi. Tapi kali ni, aku suka cite ni sebab watak Whoopie yang sangat lawak. And of course dia punya lagu Unchained Melody. Time tu jugak la terasa nak belajar buat pottery. Poyos lagi!! Dek cite ni jugak la, aku pi suruh amoi kedai gunting rambut potong rambut aku pendek giller ala Demi Moore. Balik rumah, kena hambat ngan ibu aku sebab dah rupa macam jantan!!
4. GreaseCite ni lama giller, 1st time aku tengok, umur aku 5-6 tahun kot. Tapi time tu dah pandai jatuh cinta pada pakcik Travolta ni. And bercita2 bila besar nak jadi Pink Ladies. Cite ni aku rasa evergreen ah, tengok banyak kali pun tak muak. Walaupun sangat cheesy, tapi aku suka!!
5. My Wife is a Gangster 3Ni Jojet kot yang introduce aku kat cite ni. Lawak tak hingat!! Tapi aku suka minah heroin ni, lawa. Dah aku pun bercita2 nak pandai martial arts macam dia. Muahahaha. "Hero2" cite ni yang buat best, ala gangster tak menjadi. Cite ni, aku tengok takde subtitle pun bleh ketawa terbahak2. Cam paham jer...
6. While You Were Sleeping1st time aku tengok cite ni, masa kat wayang. Ngan sapa ntah...tapi lepas tu aku suka giler ngan Sandra Bullock. Cite ni pun sangat la sweet and romantik and funny. Aku paling suka part yang ada budak tukang hantar suratkhabar ke rumah orang tetiba jatuh basikal. Macam sangat random incident tu...lawak giller.
7. The ProposalNi lagi satu cite yang buat aku makin suka ngan Sandra Bullock. And of course, my toyboy, Ryan. Muahahaha. Betty White pun awesome dalam cite ni, lawak selamba je. Aku rasa kot orang lain berlakon dalam cite ni, mesti tak best sebab jalan cite dia agak lame jugak la. Tapi dek characters cite ni yang best, so cite ni pun jadi best! Oya, part Sandra ngan Ryan bogel dan berlanggar sesama dalam bilik tu, of course aku pause!! Muahahahaha...
8. Sixth SenseAku memang suka tengok cite hantu but most of them, aku tengok sekali lepas tu dah taknak tengok lagi. Reason either takut sangat or dah tak takut sebab dah tau cite dia. Tapi 6th Sense ni lain sket. Takut tapi aku suka tengok again and again sebab aku rasa cite ni sangat intelligent sebenarnya. Cara cerita dia unravel...memang aku terperanjat beruk la part twist ending dia.
9. Sleepless in SeattleAku rasa Meg Ryan sangat cute dalam cite ni. Ending dia pun sangat sweet. Time aku ngan En Rashid pi NY dulu, aku berangan nak jumpa jejaka kacak yang sedang menunggu aku kat atas Empire State Building. Bila naik, pusing2...balik2 jumpa muka En Rashid. Itu dah jodoh la tu namanya...takde Tom Hanks nak menunggu aku kat situ dah. Heeee.
10. Stand By MeAku suka cite ni sebab ada arwah husband aku yang dulu, River Pheonix. Eventhough time ni dia still budak2, tapi cara berlakon dia dah perghhh dah. Plus jalan cite dia best.
Movies that nearly made the cut: My Best Friends Wedding, Charlie's Angels, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Jaws, Dark Water.
Posted by Along at 12:11 AM 9 comments
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Food and Family Outing
We tookmy parents out to eat today, together with all my brothers and SIL. Initially the plan was for us to stay overnight at my mom's house then go out for lunch from there. Then En rashid announced he had badminton early Sunday morning, so we decided to go to my mom's house after that. In the end, we just decided to meet my parents at the restaurant.
Choosing where to eat was another funny business. I had intended to take my parents out to Se.oul Gar.den since my exec had took me for lunch once. My parents love steamboat and tomyam and the likes of that so it seems like a nice place to take them. I called up the outlet in OU to reserve a table for 10.
"Sorry miss, we can only put you on the waiting list. No reservations allowed, we are very full. If got table, we call you. If not, you can wait. You want waiting list or cancel?"
Giller bongkak cakap ngan aku camtu!!! Cet!! So I called up the outlet beside the office. They were open and ok for reservations. HOWEVER, they had a closing period from 3-6.30pm, which didn't sit well with En Rashid. So in the end, we gambled went to the outlet in I.O.I. Mall.
Fortunately they had a table for 10, right at the back of the restaurant. Soon we all were grilling enough beef, chicken and seafood to feed an army. It was a funny sight, what with everyone jumping and ducking their heads everytime the oil splattered.
After lunch, we walked around the mall, looking for a new hp for my dad. So far, we've drilled it down to a few choices but my dad being my dad, wants the latest and most technologically advanced. Eventhough he only plans to use it to sync his calendar and sms his kids once in a while. Heeee.
It was nearly 7 when we all said our goodbyes and headed home. It was raining heavily outside so the kids dozed off in the car on the way back.
Good food and good company. Doesn't get better than that!
Posted by Along at 11:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Force is Strong With This One
Have you guys seen the latest VW ad, shown during the Superbowl? The one with the cute Darth Vader in it.
For those who are Football fans, you would not have missed it. For the rest of us, here it is below.
I love how at the end, the little dude was like..DID YOU SEE THAT?? I AM AWESOME!! :))
The kid who played mini DV is 6 year old Max Page who was diagnosed when he was an infant with the heart defect Tetralogy of Fallot. Here he is in his interview on The Today Show.
Isn't he the cutest boy ever??!! He even looks like a young Mark Hamill.
Seems like the Force is Strong With This One. Now if only he can stop George Lucas from making crappy movies.
ps: Now I want a Passat!!!
Posted by Along at 11:18 AM 3 comments
Labels: Funnies, In the News, Website
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
BCF - Best Cousin Forever
Everytime we go back to my in-laws, Daria is the most excited since she has a BCF waiting to play with her.
Hasif (my SIL's son) is only 6 months older than Daria so they pretty much speak the same language. Daria calls him "Abam (abang) Hasif". Even when we come back home, she'll be calling out his name sometimes.This is them in the living room. I was getting ready to go out with En Rashid and Daria wouldn't let me put on my head gear. Terus ambik letak atas kepala dia...sabar je la! Hasif is very protective of Daria but when it comes to his toys, he's more protective of those. Hehehehe...
Jelingan manja! Hehehe...
Posted by Along at 12:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: Daria
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Traffic Tweets
En Rashid signed me up to receive traffic tweets on my mobile phone. Since then, I've been obsessed with checking out the tweets from people who are, unfortunately, stuck in the bad traffic jams heading back to KL.
Lotsa small brain peeps on highway right now...dahla pakai lorong kecemasan..pas2 bwk laju nak mampos!
Awesome speed of 2kmh climbing up genting sempah
Those who are stuck in traffic jam shouldn't complain because you are the traffic jam itself!!
Now I know what 8 hour jam feels like...trunk road thru Bidor town stop and go..see u tonite KL!
KL-bound from Raub is so bad, I can tweet from driver's seat!
Anjing sesat ditngh hway duk meratapi kematian kawannya...
kepada babi2 jgn benti la kat sg perak tu bukan sedap sngt pun. Buat sesak jln ja, nak mkn balik rumah laaa
And my favorite so far....
highway utara selatan jam akibat daraipada maya karin btolkan rantai beskal dekat exit tapah...ramai org berenti untuk melihat...
Muahahahahaaa....sib baik aku dah balik rumah semalam. Selamaaatttt!!
Posted by Along at 10:25 PM 3 comments
Labels: Funnies
Saturday, February 05, 2011
No Place Like Home
Finally back home.
Luckily we took the L.E.K.A.S highway and got home within the acceptable timeframe. P.L.U.S was its usual nightmare.
Still have loads of assignments to do of next week.
Must get cracking!!
Posted by Along at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: MBA
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Chinese New Year.
At in-laws house.
Why we are we always here when it's CNY?
Every year, for an hour after midnight we have to listen to fireworks being set off in front of the house. Sometimes, it feels like the fireworks are right beside my ears!!
I understand the concept of CNY and the story behind the fireworks and 1Malaysia crap but seriously, can't we be a little considerate? Can you keep the fireworks to like 10 minutes? Some of us have small kids who get very grumpy if they don't get enough sleep.
Must make it a point not be here for CNY next year.
Posted by Along at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Rant, Stoopid People
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
My.Kid and Pizza vs Soto
Both En Rashid and myself are on leave today, state holiday. This is one of those few times I'm glad to be working in KL...muahahaha..when we get get a holiday and the other suckers have to go to work.
After the girls came back from Kafa school, we took them out to JPN to get Daria's MyKid. It's been ages and we still haven't collected any of them yet. Even Dania's, which we registered nearly 9 years ago!! Thing is, we need to collect the girl's MyKid from where we initially registered them, so it's way out in Shah Alam for Dania's and over in PJ for Dina's. Hmmmm.
As always, we made a family outing out of the trip. We stopped by I.O.I Mall for some random stuff. We had forgotten to bring Daria's pram so she was delighted to be able to run around without being tied down. It was only when she was tired, did she want me to carry her.
On the way back, I decided to order pizza. Then we found out that Wati had cooked up a storm so too bad, girls! It's soto for dinner tonight.
We're heading back to my in-laws tomorrow after the kids finish Kafa school. It's been a while since we've been back. I intend to use the time to complete my abundance of assignments still due. OMG, just 2 more weeks then it's finals! Eeeeekkkkk!!!