Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Many Cents is Your Life Worth?

Seriously?!! What are these dungus doing? How many cents do you have to collect to justify the fact you are a) risking your life b) causing an unnecessary traffic jam c) kutip duit haram weiiiii!!!

Is this a sign that the cost of living has gone up so high that people are scrambling to pick up coins on the side of the highway? Or is it a sign that some people are just greedy assh**e who would do anything for free money?


Idham Idris said...

To be fair, it was RM75,000 worth of coins. That's a lot of money to a lot of people. :)

Along said...

Idham: Yeah, but how much can one expect to pick up anyway? Plus, RM75k is worth risking your life? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

nope. just a straight forward 'money rules over everything, even common sense and principles'.

Along said...

TOAJ: Totally Agree!!

J.A.D said...

sometimes the tempation is far greater than common sense. pasai tu la depa tak kisah bertinggong kat jalan raya nak kutip duit padahal tuanpunya ada tercongok kat situ. macam tak malu je kan ambik duit org dgn selamba... tapi tu la... suara setan lagi kuat.


they weren't thinking. for once it's really the case of "duit jatuh dari langit" hahaha...

Along said...

JAD: Itu yang x paham tu. The owner of the money was right there. He had just been in an accident!! And what do these idiots do? Steal from him, right in front of his own eyes. Setan betul!!

Nora: Pembetulan...duit jatuh dari kereta orang yg baru accident. Sadis betul.