This weekend is full of invitations to weddings, open houses and birthday parties. Which is great because I don't have to rack my brain thinking up what to cook for the family. Heee.
Today we had 3 invites. The 1st one was to our neighbour's daughter's wedding. It was held at one of the Uni nearby. The food was great but since we had 2 more invites to attend to, I didn't eat much. The family sharing our table was also from our Company, so we had a lively discussion talking about work and what-not. We got to see the bride and groom as they walked into the hall; they looked exquisite.
Next, was off to my colleague's house for her son's birthday party. The girls had fun, playing with the other kids there. Even Daria made new friends. And ate so much fruit cocktail.
Then it was off to hubby's aunt's house. The invite said to come at 2pm but because of our other commitments plus it was raining heavily, we arrived around 5pm. Heeee, janji makanan still ada lagi. Satay!! Which even the kids ate a lot of, surprising since it was the 3rd house we "attacked" for food.
We reached home around 830pm and everyone was tired and way to full to do anything else, except bathe and go to sleep. Unfortunately I have several assignments due next week, thus the reason why I'm still up.
Tomorrow we have one open house to attend to. Joe, hang masak sedap2 tau...
Kena interrogate dengan bakal mak mertua
1 hour ago
oooiiii... joe tak ajak!! ceitttt...
Nora: Wei..bukan ko tngh berpantang ke? Mana bleh makan sedap2..makan benda masak lada hitam je...hehehe
Pergi umah Joe tadi dalam pukul 3 lebih kot..Ujan lebattnyaaaaa..Along sampai pukul brapa? Kalu tak, boleh beramas mesra..:-)
Elf: I was there around 3 jugak...tertrap time hujan, so I went upstairs, layan anak2 main permainan. U were there? Awat x tegur..?
er noresh, out of courtesy aku tak dapat nak invite ko. ko kan tengah berpantang, lagipun halia kat rumah aku dah habih heheh
err.. elf and along nak beramas mesra? hmm
everyday aku check blog kau Long..suka baca celoteh kau..datang Annex, lepaklah kat tempat aku..err..komen aku ni takde kaitan dgn open house..hehe
Along, mana aku tau hang yang mana satu..ekekeke..
Joe: Jeles ah tu Elf tak nak beramas mesra ngan ko...hehehehe..
Zai: Itu la..nanti kita lunch sesama yer..dah lama x bergossip dah ni..:D.
Elf: Of cos aku yg paling cun kat situ..muahahahaha..takpe, nanti kita soh joe buat open house lagi, yer. Bleh beramas mesra...
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