Thursday, February 18, 2010

Medela Harmony For Sale

I'm letting go of my Medela Harmony breast pump. While it has been a delight to use, I find that it does not suit the pace of my work.

I initially opted for a manual pump because I had issues with battery operated or electrical breast pumps. First, they hurt my breast and more often than not, my nipples feel like they are about to fall off after a pumping session. With the MH, I hardly feel any pain and it's a relaxing event.

Secondly, I hate the noise made by battery/electrical breast pump. Satu ofis bleh dengar!! With the MH, it's quiet and I can actually hear myself think.

However, since my work life is so hectic nowadays, it's becoming harder and harder for me to find the time to pump. For one thing, my letdown period takes about 5-6 minutes, then only my milk starts flowing. It can be a bit strenuous on my hands but once the milk starts coming, I'm ok.

I find I need at least 30 minutes for a good pumping session, where I can get at least 3-4 oz (I know, it's not a lot...but I'm slowly building up again.) 30 minutes of peace and quiet to pump is such a luxury nowadays that sometimes I find myself pumping only at the end of the work day. I feel that I need a battery operated or electrical breast pump so that I can keep my hands free to do some work during the time I pump.

Therefore, I relented and bought a simple Pureen breast pump. I was eyeing the Medela Single Deluxe breast pump but it costs over RM400. Arghh..if I didn't have the burst water pipe to think about, I might have bought that but nevermind.

So, in conclusion, I'm selling off my Medela Harmony for a pre-loved price of RM175 (selling price is RM269). I'll also throw in a set of unused Moms Precious Breastmilk Storage Set (6 pack) for free. COD for Bangi or Bangsar area. Postage is additional RM10. Contact me at for more details.


Anonymous said...

breasts included?

Along said...

TOAJ: You can ask En Rashid...kalau berani. Muahahahha...

J.A.D said...

the reason why i'm using electric pump this time around. now i can have a go as long as i want coz i'm doing it right at my cubicle while doing my work... lantak pi la org nk dgr bunyi. i just tell people "oo.. tu bunyi aircond" and people normally buy it. kalau tak they would just look the other way. hehe

Sal said...

Jualan murah! Jualan murah! Mari..mari...beli satu dapat satu...he he he....

mila.ibunajihah said...

nak tanya, u pya MH ni beli bila ye? my friend ada nk carik MH yg preloved. If i want to book bg pihak dia dlu bleh tak? TQ

Asiah said...

Salam, is this pump still available for sale? -Asiah

Along said...

Asiah: Salam, yes, the breast pump is still available. Please email me at alongsj[at]yahoo[dot]com for more details.