Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ya Kerajaan, Sila Kembalikan Duitku...

...yang terlebih bayar. Banyak tu...seribu lebih!! Bleh aku shopping macam2 lagi. Isy...tak..bukan, nak simpan. Kredit kad bill agak tinggi bulan ni. Belanja dinner En Rashid la..beli kasut baru la. Oya, aku blum cite lagi pasal kasut baru aku kan? Kejap...nak pi carik gambar dulu...

OK, so Sabtu yang lepas, aku kluar ngan girlfrens2 aku. Ni dah plan beberapa bulan dah, in the end ada jugak sorang tercicir sebab anak dia sakit and warded. Takpe, ada alasan bleh kluar ngan depa in the near future, sebab haritu tak cukup korum. Heee.

Anyways, kitaorg dok pikir mana shopping mall nak pi attack. Mid Valley dah muak sampai nak muntah darah. In the end, kitaorang agree nak pi Empire Subang Jaya. Reason: semua tak pernah pi kecuali aku. Itu pun aku pi tak meronda mana pun, setakat pi makan je. So ok, dah set tempat, dah janji kul berapa nak jumpa kira mencarik aktiviti.

Yang sorang dok cadang cabut bulu, sorang cadang buat manicure, sorang cadang makan 3x....macam2 aktiviti la dicadangkan. In the end, kitaorang spend time dok pusing satu mall, shopping sakan and makan berkali2. Oh ya, and of course bergossip. Heee. Takpe...the activity doesn't matter, but the company you're with does. So, everyone had fun especially aku sebab aku berjaya membelanjakan duit aku membeli ntah apa barang ntah!! Yeahh!! Selalunya aku la yang paling payah nak beli barang. Belek 20 kali, sarung cuba, minta saiz kat salegirl, last2 letak balik kat atas rak. Putih mata salesgirl tu dengar aku cakap "nevermind, thanks ya!"

Ni actually aku nak salahkan Noresh sebab hasut aku beli kasut ni. And also the salesgirls. Pandai berkata2 pada naluri hatiku yang teringin barang branded tapi tak pernah beli sebab tak reti nak memakai pun. Tapi, aku memang suka kasut ni. Masa memula masuk kedai tu, mata aku terus terzoom kat kasut tu. Memang lain dari yang lain. See for yourself.

Actually cameraphone aku ni tak bring justice to the shoes sebab color dia tak nampak naik. In real life, color dia striking, nak2 part yang emas2 tu. Hmmm, heels dia...yer, memang 5 inci. Giller betul aku ni pi beli kasut tinggi macam tu. Dah la En Rashid, how to say, "vertically challenged"...pi beli lak kasut tinggi menggung ni. Takpe..bukan aku nak pakai time berjalan sebelah dia pun. Hehehehe...

Masa aku memula tunjuk kat En Rashid tu, dia tergelak. Tapi sebab aku tayang kasut dengan cara memberahikan, so agak positive jugak end reactionnya. Muahahaha...dah pi spend duit beli memacam, cara confession mesti pandai la kan?

Harga? Jangan tanya bleh? Nak kata ridiculous tak la...for the brand and the craftmanship, memang berpatutan. Tapi untuk aku yang selama ni dok pakai kasut Scholl je...agak dramatic la jugak. Tapi ni nak lawan ngan adik ipar aku yang ada kasut Jimmy Choo tu. KakNgah, amacam kasut Along? Lagi lawa tak dari kamu pun JC? Oya, ni brand Pedro tau. Hehehehe...teruk aku ni, ngan adik ipar pun nak jaki.

Dah la beli kasut tinggi, beli plak cincin 2 bijik yang besar gedabak. Ni semua aku salahkan Mia Michael, judge yang dalam show So You Think You Can Dance tu! Dek dia la, aku tetiba tergillerkan cincin2 besar ni. Tapi aku rasa good investment sebab aku pakai kat tempat keje ngan kelas, semua memuji cantik. Yang pompuan la, yang lelaki dok tanya muka sapa aku nak tumbuk bagi lebam ngan cincin tu. Setakat ni ada dua color je cincin tu, red and black. Nanti aku nak kumpul biar ada semua color of the rainbow...yellow, blue, indigo, hijau taik...semua la!

Oleh itu, aku akan berasa sangatlah berbesar hati sekiranya kerajaan memulangkan semula duit tax aku yang dah terlebih bayar dengan kadar segera. Banyak benda nak beli, nak contribute to the country's economy (yer sangat la tu!!!)

Sibling Rivalry

Dania and Dina usually get along fine. They play and study together and they have their "secret" meetings in their rooms (usually it's to decide which Disney princess to imitate for the week). However lately I've noticed that they've been fighting more then usual. I think it's because Dania is entering the "tween" age group while Dina is still in the kids segment. I think I can relate; I remember hating my brother when we were that age. Urgh, everything he did annoyed me.We would fight a lot but my guess is that fighting with a brother is totally different than fighting with a sister. I wouldn't know for sure, I have no sisters to call my own.

A few days back, I found this note lying on my study table. Apparently, the girls had been fighting again. My eyes welled up with tears when I read the note.

"I am sorry kaklong but when you don't like me I don't no (know) you say what to me. [heart] Dina."

I asked Dania about the note and she just sighed. I asked her what had Dina done but all I got was the usual *grumble..grumble..grumble*. I asked her if she still loved her sister and if they had made up yet. Fortunately she gave a positive answer to both questions; not that I was doubting it anyway.

My dear girls. I know you won't understand now but I sincerely hope you both grow up to be the best of friends. I hope you continue to love each other and support each other, no matter what. I hope you both know you can come to me whenever you have problems or just need to talk. I hope you both know how much I love you.

Now stop fighting already!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Another One Done!

Yesterday, my team did our presentation for Law. Yeah..over and done with! Despite the usual last minute preparations, we did ok. We kind of winged it through but participation from the class helped liven up the session. In the end, we took over an hour to present all the slides. Hahaha..seriously, sometimes our ability to "menggoreng" amazes me. :D

Initially we wanted to go "wild" and wear robes and fake wigs like judges, seeing how it is a law class. But we couldn't find any in such short notice. So we decided to just wear the usual coats. Min, being the pervert she is, suggested we jazz up our dress code further.

Apparently, pants were optional!!

Kita Bakor Je!!

Bleh tak aku nak bakar manusia2 ni? Marah betul aku baca artikel2 ni kat Metro hari ni.

Budak 19 bulan ko nak carik gaduh?! Apa, ko sedih sebab punai budak tu lagi panjang dari ko ke? Sadis betul orang macam ni, camne la bleh jadi tak berhati perut langsung. What I wish for is 10 minutes alone in a room with this guy. Give me some boiling hot water, a baseball bat and stacks of needles and I’ll teach him a lesson he won’t soon forget.

Ni lagi satu kes laki tak guna. Dah la ko biarkan bini ko beranak sorang2 kat kampong. Ko langsung tak datang jenguk anak2 ko. Lepas tu, ko bleh pi kawin ngan minah lain! And then marah2 bini ko sebab tunjuk muka ko yang tak guna tu kat suratkhabar?? And ugut nak cerai!! Helloooooo…useless S.O.B!! Kenapa la ko idup lagi? Ko tak kesisan ke ngan anak2 ko? Ko tak kesian ke ngan bini ko yang terpaksa minta simpati keluarga dan orang ramai?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Rumah aku ada kucing. Eh silap...beberapa kucing. Bukan kitaorang bela pun, kucing sesat mana ntah, suka datang rumah kitaorang sebab anak2 aku suka sangat layan. Nak2 si kenit. Bangun pepagi dah tanya khabar cat. Ibu dia nak gomol, cium2 pun tak pedulik.

Kucing2 ni dah beberapa generasi dah dok tengek belakang rumah aku. Yang bestnya, yang semangat dok beli makanan khas kucing2 sesat ni.....En. Rashid! Siap masuk weekly grocery list tu. Alahai...sometimes he really makes me smile. You wouldn't think it looking at him tapi penyayang bebenor la laki aku ni kat binatang2 sesat.

Ni gambar kucing2 tu tengah makan breakfast. Bekas makanan tu bekas aku potong2 sayur, selamba je En. Rashid buat bekas makan kucing. Padahal ada tergolek kat situ bekas plastic yang pernah pakai...tak boleh, bekas tu dah kotor. Hek eleh, basuh la...bersih la balik. Ini dah habis dah semua bekas2 potong sayur dijadikan bekas makan kucing2 sesat dia. Sabar je la.

Kucing2 ni semua ada nama. Yang atas sekali tu, Terra. Ni bibik gemuk aku yang lari dulu la bagi nama, lekat sampai sekarang. Kitaorang "bela" Terra tu since dia baby lagi. Ni dia plak yang dah beranak pinak. Yang 3 ekor baby cat tu, anak2 dia la. Apa ntah nama...yang tompok hitam putih tu MooMoo rasanya. Dina la bagi nama, sebab dia kata rupa kitten tu macam lembu. So nama MooMoo. Ok la, justified! Yang hitam tu rasanya Manis. Yang terselit antara dua cat dewasa tu, Comel.

Kucing2 ni memang bertuah. Pepagi dah siap beratur kat belakang rumah tunggu breakfast. Lepas tu massage session, dikendalikan oleh Daria. Kang petang kang makan dinner lak. Susu segar aku yang beli sekotak RM5 pun, En Rashid gigih panaskan dulu nak bagi minum.

Memang bertuah!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Duit, Duit...Ke Mana Kau Duit?

Kekadang ada orang tanya aku, “ko, kereta dah habis bayar, apartment dah habis bayar, hutang rumah takde…apa ko buat ngan duit ko?”

Walaupun ada orang maybe pikir, apa punya soklan tu…sibuk je nak tau apa orang lain buat ngan duit dia, sedikit sebanyak soalan macam tu buat aku berpikir gak….apa yek aku buat ngan duit gaji aku bulan2?

Nak kata aku joli beli baju baru tiap bulan, takde. Beli kasut pun takde. Make up jauh sekali la. Nak kata aku pamper diri aku pi spa ke, set rambut ke selalu, pun takde gak. Manjang takde masa. Jadi duit aku pi mana yek?

Aku bleh namakan 3 kategori ke mana most of duit aku pi.

1st, anak2 aku. Anak2 aku ni kan semua girls, aku ni plak jenis pantang lalu tepi kedai yang jual gown2 comel…mesti nak singgah. Gown2 plak jual, bukan harga singgit dua…berpuluh2 ringgit. Kekadang aku sanggup pakai bra and spentot koyak, asalkan anak2 aku bergown comel sentiasa. Parah! Hahaha…Kalau hal sekolah anak2 aku pun, mostly aku yang bayar semua benda. Duit yuran, hal buku, hal stationary, duit van….itu semua masuk bawah expenses aku. Sebab tu En Rashid takde la bising sangat kalau aku nak bawak anak2 aku pi kelas music ke, kelas social budak2 ke…sebab dia tau, aku takde nak minta duit kat dia punya.  

2nd, aku rasa duit aku banyak pi ke part makan. Aku ni, kalau part makan, mesti nak sedap dan satisfying. Selalunya kalau nak makanan ciri2 camtu, mesti la mahal. Kekadang aku set jugak la, duit untuk lunch takleh lebih RM5 sehari. Itu kalau aku dah plan untuk beli something yang mahal, so kena save up. Time tu la aku dok kulu kilir bwk botol air kosong, nak isi air suam free manjang. Tapi kalau part makan ngan family, aku memang tak piker hal duit. Janji bleh swipe CC. Selalu once a month, aku ngan En Rashid akan ajak family aku pi makan luar reramai. Family En Rashid payah sket, sebab MIL aku jenis suka masak kat rumah. Kalau ajak makan luar, dia teramat la liat….and then kalau pi pun, dia akan ngomel tanya berapa harga itu, berapa harga ini. Lain benar ngan ibu aku, pantang ajak keluar makan, dia dah siap sarung tudung dah. Hehehehe…

3rd, duit aku banyak habis kalau kitaorg pi travelling. Aku ni jenis, kalau pi travel tu, mesti nak duduk hotel selesa, makan tempat yang best, pi melawat semua tempat2 yang patut. Semua tu pakai duit kan? Last year yang kitaorang pi HK, ada dalam 5 bulan jugak aku save up duit…just for a week of holiday. Tapi aku tak rasa galat. Sebab pada aku, semua tu menjadi memories and life experience yang best untuk anak2 aku. Sampai sekarang pun, dia orang dok bercerita pasal trip ke HK.  

So, itu la dia...cara2 aku menghabiskan duit aku. Takde la happenning sangat pun...asalkan takde hutang keliling pinggang dan tak menyusahkan orang lain, ok la kan....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Updates on the Random

I found my watch!! It was in a drawer where both Wati and myself had looked a thousand times yesterday. Toyol pulangkan balik ke? Doesn’t matter, ahh…I’m just so happy I found it. I had already started surfing the Guess website, looking at the latest designs. Heeee, now I can put away my money or maybe put it to use by pimping up the Tank.

Oya, talking about the Tank, I forgot to inform that I have officially succeeded in mangling its left side by scrapping it along the wall as I was entering the parking lot beside the office. Like…WTH?! Luckily the damage is somewhat minor (NOT!) and the door can still be opened and closed. En. Rashid was surprisingly very calm when I told him what I had did. He even took me out for lunch!! Uwaaaa, lagila rasa guilty!! We’ve decided to paint the Tank a different color. I’m moving towards something like blue-ish grey, while En. Rashid thinks maroon would be nicer. We’ll see how it goes…abih dah duit bonus eden!

I’m taking this Thursday off! Agenda for the day….sleep! And maybe sleep some more. And then continue to sleep.

I’m still at a lost on what to get En. Rashid for his birthday. Yeah, the dinner was somewhat of a given, but now I need something physical. And NOT a motorcycle. Because I love En. Rashid too much to let him ride around on a bike. It’s not that I don’t trust him to ride safely…I don’t trust the other idiots on the road not to run him over.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ramdon...Or Random.

I’ve misplaced my watch. I know I had it on Saturday when I came back from work (yes, working on Saturday!) but on Sunday, I couldn’t find it. I turned the whole house upside down looking for it. The good thing is, I KNOW it’s somewhere in the house. Usually I either put it in my wristlet or place it on the cabinet in the living room. The worst that could have happened is that Daria could have gotten a hold of it (she likes to wear it sometimes) and thrown it in the dustbin. That would be like CRAAAAPPPP!! I hope Wati or the girls find it soon because I feel naked without it.

How long can I watch and be mesmerized by a baby polar bear playing with a blue bucket? More than 10 minutes apparently, I played the video again and again. Too cute!! I [Heart] polar bears.

I found RM300.45 in my handbag, in one of the secret inner zippers thingy.

I need a break. Very Soon. I feel burnout already.

Yesterday was En Rashid's birthday. I took the whole family plus my parents and brothers out for dinner at Chilies. Urgh, Steak at Chilies is not good. Will stick to VS after this.

Friday, April 08, 2011


Ye ah...kalau benda yang x best, benda x jalan, keje2 yang nak kena buat tu...carik la aku kan.

Kalau benda best...aktiviti best..kecoh2....sket tak involvekan aku.

Takpela...aku pun tak lama kat sini pun....

Monday, April 04, 2011


My team is done with our MM presentation!! Wuuhuu!! Benefits of being the 1st team to present. Now we get to sit back...and criticize the other teams. Hehehehe...

I can't believe I actually baked muffins for the class to give away as prizes for the Q&A session. Granted, we ran out of time...but spreading all that homemade "love" around...made it all that special.

Today was a good day. Free and delicious lunch. Great group presentation. En Rashid surprised me with a brand new tudung when I got back., best, alhamdulillah.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Full of Hot Air...Sort Of

A few weeks back, there was a Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Putrajaya. We had missed last years' show so I was adamant in going this year. The fiesta started on a Thursday so I planned with En Rashid to take leave that day. The kids were on school holiday so rather than bersesak2 with the weekend crowd, we planned to go on the 1st day itself. That was until En Rashid later found out he had to attend a workshop. Since I really didn't want to miss the event, I dragged my parents along instead.

The main event was the hot air balloon ride. On the website, it mentioned that the rides would be from 8am until 11am. Thinking we had plenty of time to catch a ride, we headed out from my parents place at around 8am and arrived at the site around 830am. Imagine our dismay when we found out the tickets for the morning sessions were all sold out!! Apparently they only allocated 300 tickets for each session. Peh..melepas la peluang nak naik balloon. I had been on one when I was in the states (a birthday present for En Rashid) so I wasn't all that disappointed.
Some of the balloons as seen from the parking lot. A lot of them had already flown off as the organizers were expecting late morning rain.
The Darth Vader balloon!! I took pictures of it as it was about to take flight.
My mom and the girls looking at the rides schedule, disappointed. That was until we saw that the balloons were tied down and only went something like 20 meters up into the air. My dad was like, "I thought we got to at least fly around a bit." Yeah right, for RM10, you get to float around in the basket..that's all. Heee.
So in the end, we headed to the extreme zone. Once I saw the zorb ball, I was like "I need to try that!" It was fun but damn tiring. Both Dina and me were sweating when we finally crawled out of the ball.
Dania trying out as a hamster.
Seeing how exhausted we all got playing the zorb ball, my parents decided to pass. So we headed to the extreme bike section. I've forgotten the name of this type of bike but they have a website. My mom asked the guy in charge how much the bikes cost; I think they retail at RM4k - RM6k, depending on the type of bike. It was fun though and my thighs got such a workout, it's amazing I was still able to walk afterwards. 

Next we headed towards the horse rides. Both Dania and Dina chose a horse and got on. It was RM12 for one round of the track. A bit of a rip-off if you ask me. 
I really wanted to find some activity for my parents to do so I dragged them over to the segway section. I even paid for their rides before they could protest. Heehe. Here's my dad being the dotting husband he is.
And here's my dad. mom and Dania getting ready to ride off. They only had three segways available for each trip, so I passed. Furthermore, Dina couldn't ride one as she wasn't heavy enough so I stayed to keep her company.

The three of them apparently had such fun that my dad quickly looked up the website to find out the price. Let's just say you can get one of these for the price of a Kancil!!