Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mata & Gambar

Hari ni last aku MC. Dah seminggu lebih dah tak pi ofis. Kemungkinan aku akan ke tempat keje esok, walaupun mataku masih macam Keliwon lagi. Eh, Keliwon tu cite hantu kan? Tolong la, aku tak pernah tengok cite tu...tapi tajuk dia macam nama hantu je, aku agak la. Moral of the story, mataku masih merah menyala...ok la, macam Edward dalam cite Twilight tu.

Muahahahaha...nak ngaku jadi pontianak seksi gak tu.

Serba salah nak pi ofis ni sebenarnya. Keje memang la banyak, hari2 sms masuk hal keje. Dah check email, tapi banyak la keje yang perlukan face to face punya discussion. Dah la tengah sibuk sign off processes...aku lak menghilang dari ofis. Tapiiiiii, kalau aku pi esok, and then ada ofismate yang kena sakit mata...sapa yang salah? Aku kah...atau boss ku yang hari2 sms aku, buat aku serba salah tak masuk ofis? Soklan cepu emas.

Apa2 pun, aku hoping kalau aku pi ofis, takde la nyangkit penyakit ni kat sapa2. Buhsan woo sakit mata ni. Dah la annoying, asyik kena korek taik mata je keje. Bangun pagi, kena meraba pi toilet dulu, bersihkan taik mata yang berkerak. Mata nampak kelabu, asyik berair...giller sakit hati.

Tu la...agaknya aku ni asyik guna mata untuk pandang benda2 tak senonoh je kot..tu yang Allah tarik balik nikmat aku untuk melihat. Muahaaha..apa kebendanya benda tak senonoh tu? Aku pun tak tau...aku bukan peminat porno, setakat tengok MTV tu kot, tahap keseksian yang aku tengok. Mungkin la...takkan setakat tengok laki sendiri XXX pun takleh kot...dah laki aku..bukan tengok laki orang lain. Hmmm...tapi anak2 aku lak camne? Setakat tengok Playhouse je. Apalah, dah dugaan Allah bagi...lagi mau examine panjang lebar.

Takpe, habis dah cite sakit mata. Kita buat tag la plak. Mesti dah agak kan, sebab aku tulis entri ni dalam Bahasa Melayu. So nak buat tag le gamaknya.

Ni tag ni dah berzaman lamanya...aku baru nak buat. Rasanya semua bloggers kat dunia dah buat dah. Aku biasa la, manjang ketinggalan zaman. Takpe..asal tak nyusahkan orang. Lagipun, ni blog aku, sukati mak nenek aku la bila nak buat.

The Rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then, you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer. After that tag 12 people.

Oh, dah tua dah aku. Walaupun orang selalu cakap, life starts at 40, aku rasa time tu aku dah ingat nak mati je kot. Insaf la konon, kita tunggu dan lihat.


Ni memang tempat favorite aku. Ada umur, ada rezeki aku nak pi lagi. Kali ni aku nak pi time summer, bleh jejalan kat gardens dia. Bleh naik bot dia. Bleh baring2 kat park dia, sambil suap2 hubby makan strawberry cicah coklat. Muahahahaha...romantik maut lak aku!


Ni sapa kenal aku memang tau la tabiat aku yang sangat chocoholic. Tapi yang dark chocolate je, dairy milk aku kurang la..manis sangat. Hubby pun dah tau, kalau nak ambik hati aku, belikan je dark chocolate. Wajib aku sujud terus depan dia. Memang kalau dia belikan, malam tu...nikmat yang serupa aku bagi kat dia...dalam bentuk lain la. Wakakakakaka...


Tu, yang kena bulat warna merah tu. Itu je gambar yang ada.

Q.5 : MY FAV COLOR? Ni dari kecik sampai sekarang, aku memang suka kolor ni. Dulu asal beli baju je, kolor biru. Sampai ibu aku pun sound, cuba la kolor lain lak. So aku cuba la jugak...tapi bila pakai terasa kurang menawan lak. Hahahah..salah aku ke, salah baju tu?

Q.6 : THE CITY I LIVE NOW? Ni sapa yang dok kawasan rumah aku, tau sangat la restoran ni kat mana. Tiap2 hari aku lalu time nak pi keje, tapi tak pernah singgah. Tu la, sapa soh ada bibik yang terrer sangat masak. Salah bibik la plak.

Q.7 : THE PLACE I WAS BORN? Sememangnya aku anak jati bandar. Tapi kawin ngan mamat kampung. Itu namanya opposites attract. Hahahaha...kampung sangat ke Melaka tu. Agak terasa hina la nanti hubby baca ni nanti..takda la bi, main2 je. Jangan marah, nanti mata makin merah. Hehehe..

Q.8 : MY COLLEGE MAJOR Electrical & Electronic Engineering sebenarnya. Oya, campur Double Maths. Giller geek aku time college. Dah la susah nak maut...10 kali sesal aku ambik course tu. Tapi pikir2 balik, kalau aku tak ambik dulu, aku takkan jumpa ngan hubby. So in the end, ada la jugak hikmatnya.

Q.9 : MY BAD HABIT? Ya, aku memang suka menangguh kalau buat keje. Dari zaman sekolah dulu, last minute baru nak buat homework, last minute baru nak baca buku. Dah tu time exam, pi sekolah terasa nak terkoncing manjang sebab takut. Nanti fail, kena balun ngan ayah. Paling tidak pun kena bebel ngan ibu. Tak tau la yang mana lagi seksa, kena balun ke, kena bebel. Kena balun memang sakit, tapi kejap je la. Tapi bebelan ibuku bukan sebarang bebelan. Berminggu2 pun bleh tahap bebelan dia. Dah tu, akan sampai ke semua suku sakat keluarga hal aku kena bebel. Dah takleh nak tunjuk muka time raya. Hampes sungguh. Tapi aku macam tak serik, masalah suka menangguh ni terbawak sampai dah beranak pinak, dah keje 10 tahun. Tu la sebabnya, tiap hari masuk keje je, aku kena spend 1/2 jam pikir dulu, buat senarai aku matlamat keje aku hari ni. Kalau tak, surfing YouTube je la keje aku nanti.

Q.10 : MY HOBBY? Paham tak gambar kat atas. Jigsaw puzzle la. Memang aku minat tapi dah lama tak buat. Tapi aku still consider hobby la. Dulu masa kat US, aku selalu buat untuk hubby, yang gambar underwater sea tu. Hubby suka sebab ada gambar whale. Whale tu binatang favorite dia. Dulu, dia kata kalau kaya, dia nak bela whale. Serious je cite ngan aku. Aku pun layan, siap tambah, ok, aku nak bela polar bear. Bagus la, dua2 angan2 ntah hapa2.

Q.11 : MY WISH ? Ye ah, ni memang harapan semua orang la kan. Nak keluarga dia happy, sihat. Yang lain tu semua material je, hal dunia. Lagipun macam sekarang, satu famili aku kena sakit mata, tak guna la ada seratus juta hinggit pun, kalau takleh nak nikmati.

Kena tag 12 orang ke? Bukan semua orang dah buat? Takpe, sapa nak buat, buat la. Nanti aku mai blog korang baca yang korang lak merapu.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Resolution as a Parent

2009 is coming to an end soon. A new year is coming...time to make (and break) those new year's resolutions. Here are some I'm making as a parent.

1) Spend more time with the children.
The girls are growing up at warp speed. Dania will be in standard 2 next year, Dina will be attending her last year at Pre-school. Daria will turn One...she's already starting to take her 1st steps!! It's moment, they're small, helpless lumps in my arms, depended on my breasts for survival, the next minute, they're running around the house, yelling and screaming, eating everything in the fridge with an appetite of 10 men. I'm still freaking out over the fact I'm a mom...and my kids are already getting ready to leave the house.
I hope work will be more tolerant in 2010...and I can get back home in time to play badminton with the girls or go for a 10 minute walk around the block before dinnertime. Fingers crossed.

2) Stop being kiasu (overly competitive).
I don't think hubby or I have much problem in this area. We've always been pushing the girls to do their best without being overdoing it. When Dania wanted to quit piano lessons, we let her because she really didn't have the drive for it anymore. Plus it also meant more money for us to use for other stuff for the girls.

3) Take time to better communicate with the children, collectively and individually.
I need to work on this more when I'm with the kids. I'm pretty good with Daria but with Dania and Dina, I tend to tune out sometimes. My mind would wonder about work or something I'm seeing on the TV. It's bad enough I only get to spend a few hours with them during the weekdays; I should make those hours count. Also, I should learn to communicate my frustrations better. Hubby should do the same. The girls are getting bigger and just telling them 'No" doesn't cut it sometimes.

4) Stop comparing your children to other people's children.
I remember my mom would sometimes do this and I hated it. I know she meant well, and it was her way of motivating me but still....I hope I don't do this to my girls. I love them just the way they are.

5) Encourage the children in what they are passionate about even if you think it's a waste of time.
The girls love drawing and doing creative stuff. Maybe I should find more creative outlets for them.

6) Stop beating yourself up if you make a mistake as a parent.
I do this on a daily basis. I think moms have it harder than dads, somehow we have this perverted POV that we need to be superwoman all the time.

7) Make time for your spouse.
Despite knowing how ultra important this is, hubby and i definately have to work more on ourselves next year. Too many cold wars fought. Ever since Daria was born, we haven't had a night just for the 3 of us. Maybe when Daria has weaned off, we'll go for another honeymoon.

8) Stop farming out parenting to the maid and / or babysitter.
I am sooo guilty of doing this, especially during the weekends. I like to ship the kids downstairs to watch Tv and then get back in bed for more sleep. Bad mother? Maybe not in the scheme of things but still, it's time I could be spending more with the girls.

9) Get healthy.
Hubby, are you listening? Ok, so maybe I need to exercise more too. Now's a great time to buy that Wii I've been saving for. Anyone who has one...where did you buy yours and how much did it cost?

10) Have fun.
Disneyland, here we come. I'm hoping all our planning and saving up will be worth it. That the girls will have a great time and have enough happy memories to last them a lifetime.

**Resolution ideas taken from ParenThots.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Eye Infection Update

I'm still on MC, thanks to this damn eye infection. It's gotten from bad to worst. Now my eyelids are swollen and I can hardly open my eyes. Even gross, my eyes are secreting brown liquid. Hubby's eyes are just as bad. Dania has infection in her left eye, for some reason her right eye is ok. And with some divine intervention, Dina has (so far...knock wood) evaded the plague. She's been pretending to be a DIVA and gotten to wearing her sunglasses in the house.

We've went to another clinic and got more medication. The doctor was worried if any of us had any mucus or filament in our eyes; luckily we're still not that bad.

I hope my eyes get better really soon. Work is piling up and the project is at such a critical stage right now. Plus it's so boring being sick with eye infection. Can't watch a lot of TV, can't surf the internet too much, can't go out. I've been laying around all day, periodically stuffing my face with food. I am soooo going to get fat after this!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Sorry for the long silence. Been really busy with work eventhough a lot of people are already taking long holidays to finish off their annual leaves.

I've been spending the past few days at home too, not because I'm on holiday.

I have the pink eye. Really bad.

It started with Daria. Hers wasn't too bad, just slightly red. Good thing it wasn't itchy so she didn't rub her eyes much. Just as she was getting better, I suddenly started getting gooped up poo in my eyes.

I went to the clinic, got some eye drops and eye cream and got a day off. That was Sunday. On Monday, my eyes looked even more zombie-like, all red and veiny. I went back to the clinic and got the rest of the week off.

Hubby and Dania also got a taste of the pink eye but because they got antibiotics, theirs wasn't so bad. Hubby took only one day off. Dania's eye wasn't even red, just slightly swollen.

I probably should take antibiotic but the doctor warned me, that it could cause Daria diarrhea if I breastfed her. Hmm...if my eyes are worst tomorrow, I'll drag myself to the clinic again and get those antibiotics. I'll probably do the "pump and dump" technique while I'm on them.

I took pictures of my eyes with my handphone but somehow I can't transfer the images via bluetooth. I'll get hubby to try when he gets back.

Arghh...just 20 minutes in front of the laptop and my eyes are killing me!! Who knew eyeballs could throb!!!

Edit: Hold on, figured how to use the bluetooth. OK, here's what my eye looks like right now. This is the left one, the right one is just as bad. not stare for more than 5 seconds.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Long Weekend

**This is a previous post that was supposed to be posted ages ago. In lue of my pink eye (still pink!!), I'm not in any shape to post anything new yet. So just bear with me.

Since Friday was a holiday (Awal Muharam), we were supposed to go back to Melaka to see my in laws. However, my MIL called; everone there is suffering from an eye infection. My SIL is the worst, her damn eyeball is bleeding!! Uwaaaaa...

So we cancelled that plan and got the rare opportunity to just stay at home for a change. We didn't do much on Friday except for some springcleaning and the usual laundry marathon.

On Saturday, hubby decided to take the kids out. We had promised Dania a new bicycle since she got good results for her final exam. She got 2nd in class. Yeah, Dania. Since she got 2nd, she didn't get the scooter she wanted. Promises are promises. She was a bit dissapointed but I told her, if she still wanted one next year, I would consider using her own money to buy it.

We went to Sunway Pyramid. Daria was such an angel, only crying when she wanted some milk. We had lunch at Burger King and just enjoyed the sights and sounds there. There was a Miss Tourism pegant thingy going on so lots of people were checking that out. To be honest, the ladies weren't all that hot. Heee...

Dania and hubby tried out the new archery place. They had a promotion going on. Actually Dania tried for free while hubby only paid RM9 for 15 arrows or so. Dina was too small to try and Daria decided to wake up at that time, so maybe next time for me.

We walked some more and unfortunately for Dania, we couldn't find a shop that sold any bikes. In the end, the only shopping we did was some shower cream for Daria and some strings for hubby's badminton racket. But it was great family time for us all.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dina's Concert 2009

Daria is 7 months old today. WTH?!! Time flies too quickly when it comes to my little one. She already crawling everywhere like crazy and she's starting to stand too. I have a feeling she'll be walking before her 1st birthday.'s times like this I feel like quitting to stay with the kids. They're all growing up too fast!!


I need to blog about Dina's concert before it becomes stale news. Her concert was on the 5th and since it was early in the morning (9am), some people WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS did not show up, eventhough they said they would. But Hubby, Dania, my mom and myself were there so in other words THOSE WHO MATTERED were there, so all was good.

Here is the program of the concert. Dina participated in the one circled in red.

Sabar je la kan? Mentang2 cikgu dia Indian. Hmmm...

The ceremony started with performances from some of the teachers. Then the necessary speeches from the principal and VIPs. Good god, please, next time do not invite a politician as your VIP. These people are born with a mic in their hand and can go on and on and on and on. Talk about loving the sound of your own voice! Sheeshh...

The rest of the kids performances were entertaining. Unfortunately Dina was not among the students selected for the Best Performance Award. It turns out she got 4th in class and only the top 3 got prizes. Oh well, try harder next time, I guess.

Finally it was Dina's time to perform. I moved to the front to try and get a better view. However there were some very kiasu parents who insisted in standing up (??) to record their kids, without giving thought to the other parents at the back. Dude!! I did not wake up at 630am and wait for 5 hours to see my kid dance, only to be greeted by your hairy, fat ass!! Inconsiderate bastard!!

I moved to the side of the hall to try to get a glimpse on Dina there. Unfortunately her teacher stuck her in the middle of her dance group and surrounded her by her bigger classmates. I did try to take some photos; here are the results.

Shaking!! Let's try again. Oh my god, what is wrong with my camera??!!

I took some videos but the quality is equally bad. I waited until the last performance by all the kids to take a few more photos, hoping that this time I would be able to see Dina.This time she was placed in front. However,..... OMG, I don't know what setting I must have pressed but the pictures all came out b&w. Arghhh!!!

I caught up with hubby outside and complained about the camera. Rosak dah agaknya.

He fiddled around with it and took this picture.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dowry Increase - An Issue?

This morning on our way to work, hubby and I listened to the radio. Today's hot topic was about the increase of mas kahwin (dowry) for those getting hitched in Selangor, from RM40 to RM300.

As expected, the guys were all against it while the women were all for me.

In my opinion, What is RM300 when you really think about it? To me, if you can't afford RM300 dowry, then you're not financially prepared to get married in the first place. If you can afford the latest handphone gadget or updating your car with the latest accessories every month, you can surely save at least RM300. Try bringing plain water to work instead of buying that everyday teh tarik. Do whatever you can to cut down expenses, nak seribu daya, taknak seribu dalih, tul tak?

The dowry is the only amount that really belongs to the wife later on. All the hantaran money and such, all goes to the wife's parents, as payment (or partial payment) for the wedding ceremony.

Let's look at it from this angle, RM300 for what? 20-30 years of marriage? That adds up to what...RM10 per year? wife, the one you are marrying, the woman you love with all your heart, the one who will carry your future kids is worth at least that!!

To me, all this huhaa about the increase in dowry should not be an issue in the first place. It's what happens after the marriage that matters.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Highlights of These Past Weeks

So many things to blog about but so little time to do so. Here are some highlights of the stuff that happened these past few weeks.

Dina's concert was a hoot. Hahhah, but too bad the teacher stuck her in the middle, behind the largest girl in the class. I saw her fleetingly for a few seconds than gave up straining my neck for a better view. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to buy the CD the school will sell next year.

Planet 51 review. It was great, even better because we all got free tickets. Thanks Normah!! I'll write more about the movie and how the kids related to it in another post.

My brother's knee operation. Dude, one month in bed, you're sure going to get gendut!!

My dad's birthday celebration. 58 years old and still going strong. Thanks Ayah for being there for us all throughout these years. Love you.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Hal Tenant Lagi

Ni terasa nak luahkan perasaan la ni. Pepagi dah buat aku angin, lepas tu manjang la jadi kes aku gaduh laki bini nanti.

Ni hal tenant apt aku. Hal tenant ni memang best cite kan? Macam2 kerenah.

Family ni, awal bulan lepas contact aku bagitau nak sewa apt aku. Aku ni, hal tenant memang sangat cerewet, so banyak la soal kan…dari mana, berapa orang anak, bla, bla, bla. Memula aku tengok family ni macam ok je la…tapi agak desperate nakkan apt aku. Tapi mintak kurang harga. Aku ni sebab sangat baik hati punya orang…okla, bagi la murah sket, dah la sewa include maintenance fee, tapi takpe la..apt tu pun dah habis bayar, so aku takde le risau nak bayar bank ke apa.

Memula family tu nak duduk on the 16th. Since masa tu baru awal bulan, aku bagi la option; kalau nakkan apt tu, kena bayar deposit full so that aku takyah carik orang lain. Kang aku takut, awal2 je beria2 nakkan apt tu…then tetiba tak jadi. Padahal aku dah tarik balik iklan aku semua, rugi la kan.

So dia setuju. Tapi bagi deposit sebulan je. Aku bagitau, deposit kena la full, 2 bulan campur deposit api air campur 1st month rental. Negotiate punya negotiate, aku bagi la dia ambik kunci dulu sebab dia kata nak tengok dulu condition apt aku. Siap dating ambik kat ofis aku, hangkut semua anak2 dia lagi. Aku pun ok la, fair la kan…orang nak duduk rumah, mesti la nak tengok condition dia dulu. Kang buatnya toilet tersumbat semua, tingkap takleh tutup ke apa, haru je plak. So aku pun bagi la kunci tapi bagitau dia, nanti pulangkan la kunci tu. Bila on the 16th dia nak duduk nanti, aku bagi balik kunci tu sekali ngan agreement.

A few hours lepas tu, the wife call. Bagitau derang setuju duduk rumah tu tapi nak simpan kunci. Kes malas nak berpatah balik ke ofis aku la tu. Aku pun ok la, since you dah ambik kunci, I consider you ambik apt tu. So minta bayar the rest of the deposit cepat2 and agreement will start today (the day derang ambik kunci, which was on the 3rd). Time tu ok je the wife setuju.

Semalam, aku perasan duit sewa tak masuk lagi. Semalam berapa haribulan…7 dah kan? Selalu orang bayar sewa rumah 1-3 hb kan? OK la, aku pun sms the wife, bagitau agreement dah siap, nanti weekend kita mai ambik signature dia…oya, sewa rumah tolong bank in kan.

Alih2 malam tadi, the wife call. Aku tengah sibuk ngan Daria so aku soh la hubby jawab. Bila dah sudah, hubby bagitau the wife tak setuju nak start agreement on the 3rd, nak jugak start on the 16th sebab itu tarikh dia masuk apt. Aku pun heran la, aritu ok je, alih2 ni tak ok lak. Lagipun pada aku, tak kisah la dia masuk berapa haribulan, yang penting bila dia ambik kunci tu, dah consider dia ambik la apt tu. Bukan aku bleh tunjuk apt kat orang lain ke apa.

So aku pun apa lagi, start la tak puas hati. Aku memang pantang la, orang start tak advantage bila kita dah accommodate habis untuk dia.

So pagi ni aku pun sms the wife. Bagitau, sorry, my hubby salah bagi info. Appreciate kalau kita start agreement on the day you took the key. Alih2 the wife call aku. Terus marah2. Cakap aku tak fair kat dia sebab soh dia bayar 2 minggu extra. HUH?!! Aku cakap, manade aku soh bayar extra. Aku based kan on the day yang you ambik kunci. Dia tak puas hati, cakap “I dah bagitau you, we all masuk on the 16th kan.” Aku pun cakap la, ye saya tau, tapi you ambik kunci on the 3rd. Saya ada mintak balik kunci tu tapi you takmo pulangkan. So I consider you ambik dah apt tu on the 3rd. Bila you actually masuk tu, not really my concern.

Prum pram prum pram, the wife dok basuh aku. Aik? Aku lak yang kena basuh?!! Last2 dia jerit kat aku, ye la, since you are the landlord and you dah marah2 kat I (HUH?? Sapa marah sapa ni??), I masukkan la duit sewa esok, eventho I rugi 2 minggu. Lepas tu letak.

Huh. Aku pantang la orang macam ni kan. Dulu cakap lain, sekarang cakap lain. Lepas nak put the blame on me. Aku pun dengan gembiranya sms balik.

Puan, kalau u rasa rugi 2 minggu and nak marah2 myself, maybe takde rezeki I ambik U as my tenant. I can come now and pulangkan all ur money and we just call it a day. From where I see it, when u took the keys and decided not to give back, i cld not show the house to anyone else and considered u nak ambik rumah tu. That’s why I started the agreement on the day u took the keys.

Dua kali the wife cuba call aku. Aku tengah panas hati ni, jangan la ko nak ajak aku bertekak lagi. Kang ada yang nangis kang. Ofismate aku pun dah jeling2 aku semacam je, dengar minah tu marah2 aku on the phone tadi.

Last2 the wife sms aku balik.

Will bank in d rental 2moro morning.

Hah…bleh pun!!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Thnigs Giving Me a Headache

Dina's concert is this Saturday. Yesterday her teacher gave her a note to give to me. It read, "Dear Dina's mom. Please give Dina white pantyhose to wear during the concert. Anything, please call my handphone."

The thing is....I'm working!! Hello!!! Where got time to go shop for white pantyhose for my child? This morning Dina cried going to school because she was the only one (according to her) that didn't have any white pantyhose yet. I had to call up my mom to see if she could swing by the house and take Dina shopping. In the end, the teacher called me to inquire about the pantyhose. I asked her to buy it for me then send the bill. Habis would have been easier if the teacher told me about the damn pantyhose last week. I could have taken Dina out shopping during the weekend. Grrrrr...

One more thing, I've already paid Rm100 for this bloody concert. Why do I need to pay more for her costume? When is Dina ever going to wear white pantyhose after this? Grrr....


I owed Bun lunch so today we went out. I wanted to check out the book sale at Amcorp Mall so he picked me up at the office and we drove there. We spent 45 minutes looking for a bloody parking spot!! Stupid mall. In the end, we decided to just go have Kopitiam at Jaya One instead. I did not get to buy any books and Bun had to pay RM2 for parking for nothing. Grrrr....


Why do some people keep forgetting what they say, 2 minutes after they say it? And then they end up scolding the little people...for following their damn orders in the first place??!! I understand sometimes the policies and processes of the companies are a hassle but it's better to follow them and cover our asses than be called up by the Audit team later on. It's a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" situation. Grrrrr....