Daria is 7 months old today. WTH?!! Time flies too quickly when it comes to my little one. She already crawling everywhere like crazy and she's starting to stand too. I have a feeling she'll be walking before her 1st birthday. Sigh...it's times like this I feel like quitting to stay with the kids. They're all growing up too fast!!
I need to blog about Dina's concert before it becomes stale news. Her concert was on the 5th and since it was early in the morning (9am), some people WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS did not show up, eventhough they said they would. But Hubby, Dania, my mom and myself were there so in other words THOSE WHO MATTERED were there, so all was good.
Here is the program of the concert. Dina participated in the one circled in red.
Sabar je la kan? Mentang2 cikgu dia Indian. Hmmm...
The ceremony started with performances from some of the teachers. Then the necessary speeches from the principal and VIPs. Good god, please, next time do not invite a politician as your VIP. These people are born with a mic in their hand and can go on and on and on and on. Talk about loving the sound of your own voice! Sheeshh...
The rest of the kids performances were entertaining. Unfortunately Dina was not among the students selected for the Best Performance Award. It turns out she got 4th in class and only the top 3 got prizes. Oh well, try harder next time, I guess.
Finally it was Dina's time to perform. I moved to the front to try and get a better view. However there were some very kiasu parents who insisted in standing up (??) to record their kids, without giving thought to the other parents at the back. Dude!! I did not wake up at 630am and wait for 5 hours to see my kid dance, only to be greeted by your hairy, fat ass!! Inconsiderate bastard!!
I moved to the side of the hall to try to get a glimpse on Dina there. Unfortunately her teacher stuck her in the middle of her dance group and surrounded her by her bigger classmates. I did try to take some photos; here are the results.
Shaking!! Let's try again. Oh my god, what is wrong with my camera??!!
I took some videos but the quality is equally bad. I waited until the last performance by all the kids to take a few more photos, hoping that this time I would be able to see Dina.This time she was placed in front. However,.....
OMG, I don't know what setting I must have pressed but the pictures all came out b&w. Arghhh!!!
I caught up with hubby outside and complained about the camera. Rosak dah agaknya.
He fiddled around with it and took this picture.
You know, my daughter's 6 month old little brother is six months, and he can't crawl and can barely sit up in the high chair by himself. I really think his mother is just letting him lie in the crib as much as possible.
That's the cutest little concert! My daughter's been in a few plays but now she just sits in a chair and plays her flute. They never did any dancing.
AJB: 6 months and not being able to sit up is rather unusual. Not crawling is ok, most kids don't start until they are 8 months old.
The concert was ok but it could have been in a better venue. Hopefully next year I'll be able to get a better seat.
China: Yeah...emm, what you said. Thanks...I think.
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