Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Our Long Weekend

It’s lunchtime, so eventhough I have tons to do, I’m taking a few minutes breather to update my blog. Sorry I didn’t update during the weekend; we had a long one. Selangor had Tuesday off for Nuzul Quran so hubby and I took Monday off, giving us a 4-day weekend. We didn’t do much, just spent the time over at my parents’ house. Home cooking tastes so much better when you eat in a big group. On Saturday we all went to my Wan’s house in Keramat. My aunt and her family from Melaka also came up so it was a joyous occasion. My Wan went crazy with the menu; grilled fish, sambal sotong, chicken rending, lemang, and so much more. Everyone stuffed himself or herself and there was still so much leftover!! We all stayed at my Wan’s house until midnight or so, heading to the dining table 2-3 times to stuff ourselves again and again. Alhamdullillah, we managed to finish everything, right down to the last piece of lengkong (jelly)!!

I was supposed to take pictures but the sight of all the food made me forget. Maybe next time.

I have a nice ad I would like to share with everyone down here. I haven’t seen it in the newspapers yet but just thought since it is Ramadan and Raya is nearly upon us, maybe everyone can take a few minutes to understand the message portrayed.

Petronas always does the best ads for the festive seasons. Can’t wait to see their TV ad.

*If you can't see the fine print at the bottom, it says "When is the right time to ask for forgiveness? Once a year? During festive seasons? Or while we still can? Petronas wishes all Malaysians a Selamat Hari Raya filled with love, joy and forgiveness."

Happy fasting everyone!! Only 2 more weeks to go. Masya’allah, so quickly does time fly by.