“ Kak Long pi mana tadi.”
“ Ikut Makcik Anom. Tadikan, kak long kan, lalu kat situ kan, dengar bunyi frog.”
“ Macamana bunyi frog tu?”
“ Dia cakap Kuang, help me, help me, tolong saya, tolong saya.”
“ Frog tu cakap help me? Banyak ke frog tu?”
“Banyak. Ada one only.”
“Ye ke? What color was the frog?”
“Warna dia gelaaaaapp. White...black.”
“Lepas tu..kak long buat apa?”
“ Kak long tengok mata dia, macam ni.” (makes huge saucer-like eyes)
“Ye ke? Kak long tak takut.”
“Kak long tak takut. Kak long suruh Makcik Anom dukung jer.”
Sigh...I wonder where she gets her imagination from. But don’t you love it when toddlers ramble off to ya.
Nowadays she’s been singing the ABC song. She gets most of it right.
Ai Bi See Dee Eee Ef Geeee...Aich, Jai, Jay, Kay, El, Em, O, O , Peeee
Que, Arrr, Asshh, Tee, You, Vee...Double You, Axe, Whyyy, Zeedd.
When she wants something: Please ibu/abah/kakak, Kak Long nak ___________ (insert desired thing), boleh taaaaaaaaaaaakkk?
Of course, she’s become very anal about her Thank You’s and Welcome. Blast those who forget to say welcome to her after she’s said Thank You.
“Abah cakap welcome tak kat Kak Long?”
Student yang bijak-bijak nak tak jadi cikgu?
17 hours ago
Anak ku talks a lot, sah2 ikut mummy's side. Pelatnya, waduh.. kok pening kepala mau dipahamnya
Hahaha. So Cute. So imaginative.
ohhh dina..ur a soooo adorable..!!
Auntie raser nak picit2, nak gigit jer...
Sure ko tak larat dah nak gelak, tgk perangai dina tuh...nie sumer ikut perangai ko laa long..kehehhehe
Joe: Ye ke kut mak dia? Aku rasa Adam tu banyak mengarut inkut ko lah..hehehehe
Linda: Yes! I'm loving it too.
MG: TQ. Sometimes I can listen to her ramble on for hours.
Aapitz: Heehehehe...itulah, memang sah ikut ibu dia. Nak buat camne, kena layan ah...:D
Twinsmom: Aren't kids just lovely when they do this? You have two, must be an earful when they start to ramble...:D
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