Friday, May 06, 2005


This is the only excuse I can come up with for my last entry. And guess what? I’ve also been bitten by the lazy bug. Lazy to blog, that is.

Yeah, so hubby and I had a disagreement. It happens in marriages. Fortunately, since the kids arrived, we don’t get into fights that very often. Weird. People always say “Having kids really tests the relationship between husband and wife.” I believe in my case, the kids definitely brought hubby and I much closer together.

So don’t worry. We’re not getting a divorce or anything drastic like that. It was just a case of me being too sensitive and him being blur, as usual. We made up that very night; it’s always hard to stay mad at each other for long.

I'll post another entry up soon. Promise.


z.r.k.z said...

dear along,
to see u being LOVED, i feel glad..hehe
i'm asking yr consent for me to link u in my blog.. may i? thanx in advance..

Along said...

Dear Zaza,

By all means, pls do. I'll link to you too since I read your blog frequently too.

Krissy said...

Glad you're doing okay. And sometimes I get angry with my husband even when I'm not PMSing.


Along said...

Twinsmom, Krissy...

Thanks for your comments. Yes, it was kind of silly when I think back but I was really hurt at the time. I'm still madly in love with the ols sod, no matter how blur he can be.

Krissy, I can't get into your blog!!! I get an empty page whenever I try. I need my Charlie fix...quick!!

Krissy said...

I'm not sure what happened. I think it's fixed!