Yesterday was a day of all sorts of milestones for Daria. First she turned one month old (already?!) and had her 1-month immunisation shot. My mom came to the house in the morning, so after breakfast we headed out to the clinic. Fortunately there wasn't a lot of patients so we didn't spend too much time there. The doctor checked out her belly button, which had been infected somehow and had been oozing pus on and off for the past few weeks. Luckily the infection was in its mild state and the doctor continued to put on some blue crystallized powder to help shrink the protruding flesh and dry up the belly button.
By that time Daria was already getting fussy, being snug in her nest before, she was pissed at being handled. When the doctor gave her the jab, she let out a scream that brought the roof down (Daria, not the doctor)!! She cried for good 5 minutes before settling down to have a bottle of EBM. Poor Daria.
Yesterday was also the first day Daria learned to sleep on her tummy. I had held off from introducing her to tummy time due to her problematic belly button but since the doctor had given the go-ahead, my mom felt it was alright to try. Actually it was her last resort to try to get Daria to sleep after her clinic visit but surprisingly, she took to it rather well. She agitated for awhile as it was an unfamiliar position to her, but after a few minutes, she was sound asleep. She then proceeded to sleep for 3 whole hours!! We had to wake her for her evening bath.
Sleeping on her tummy also worked at night but after her 1am feed, she refuse to sleep anymore. She wouldn't sleep on her bouncer or on her tummy. She wouldn't breastfeed of take any milk from the bottle. She would only close her eyes when I was holding her, which I couldn't do for long since she already weighs 4.5kg!! That's right, she gained 1.25kg since birth. Even the doctor was like, "Hmmm, that's quite a lot of weight gain for the 1st month." You're telling me, I'm the one rocking her to sleep in my arms most of the nights. Bleh putus lengan, peh.
Oh, Daria's wanting her milk. Have to sign off now. Later, peeps!!
That can't be true, a month already?
salam along..
ingat lagi kesedihan Along masa kehilangan janin dulu, sekarang Allah gantikan dengan Daria..Allah,chubbynya dia..lebat sungguh rambut dia sebelum dicukur..apa petuanya ya?
so, lepas team power puff girls ni, boleh dapatkan ben 10 or jimmy neutron yang bijak tapi mesti lagi hensem drp si jimmy tu..:)
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