I'm still here. Things at work have been hectic (I finally transferred to a different unit) so while I'm still in the same department, my tasks and work deliverables have changed. Overall, it has been a good change for me. I wake up with a purpose going to work. I have To Do Lists. By the end of the week, I can check off things that have been achieved.
Yeah, I'm happier work wise.
So while work has been taking up more of my time, it's been good. But don't worry, I have tons to blog about, especially about the girls. I'll find the time during the weekends.
Take care, peeps!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Be Right Back!!
Posted by Along at 5:46 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 11, 2007
Two Things
I have work to do so I'll just update with the blog tag I found over at Jali's House.
Two Names You Go By:
1. Along
2. Ibu (what my kids call me)
Two Things You are Wearing Right Now:
1. Bat dress (baju kelawar)
2. Favorite Bra
Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. Communication
2. Great Sex
Two of Your Favorite Things to Do:
1. Read
2. Travel
Two Things You Want Very Badly at the Moment:
1. Sleep
2. Have some chocolate
Two Pets You Had/Have:
1. Sinbad - cat
2. Unnamed - hamsters
Two Things You Did Last Night:
1. Went out for sate with hubby and the kids
2. Played chuzzle on M.S.N. (addictive!!)
Two Things You Ate Today:
1. Bihun Soup
2. Cole Slaw
Two Longest Car Rides:
1. Tennessee to Florida (3 times)
2. Tennessee to Ohio
Two Favorite Holidays:
1. Raya
2. Whatever holiday is next on the calender
Two Favorite Beverages:
1. Sweet tea with lemon
2. Toss up between Vanilla Coke and Icecream Soda
I tag...whoever wants to do this tag. Just let me know when you've done it and I'll drop by.
Back to work...bleahh.
Posted by Along at 10:25 PM 8 comments
Labels: Blog Tag
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Selamat Pengantin Baru, Paklah!!
Yesterday, our Prime Minister remarried. The lucky lady was 53 year-old, Jeanne Abdullah. My heart swelled with joy as I watched the news and the clips of the oh-so-simple ceremony today. Many congratulations to the happy couple, may you be happy together till the rest of your days.When the rumours first started about the PM remarrying, he denied it. Turns out the reporters got all their dates wrong. When he finally confirmed the story and announced the date, a lot of unworthy tongues started wagging.
Some say Paklah remarried too soon after the death of his 1st wife, Datin Seri Endon. Tell me, how do you define "too soon"? It's already been more than a year since the beloved Endon passed away due to breast cancer and throughout that lonely period, Paklah has stayed strong. Would people have been happier if he waited for 5 years? 10 years? Why the hell should he? Not a lot of people get a second chance at falling in love, so why should Paklah wait? Who are we to question his motives for remarrying. I, for one, am pleased that he's marrying someone his own age range and standards, and not some anak dara young enough to be his daughter. I can name some ministers and royalties who are like that!
You know the saying, "It's lonely at the top"? I'm pretty sure that rings true with Paklah too. Sure, he's surrounded by his cabinet ministers during the day and I'm sure his children and grandchildren are around him often. But when you've been in a relationship for over 40 years and suddenly lose that person, there's a void in you that craves for companionship. There's that time at night when you're lying in bed and all you want is someone there to hold your hand and hear you tell your day's activities. Someone to joke with and share secret looks. Some one to call you companion.
Companionship. That was the reason given by Paklah for his marriage to Jeanne. And I truly hope that she'll be a great companion for him, just as the Late Endon was.
Some people thought it was scandalous for Paklah to marry the ex-wife of his brother-in-law. First off, Jeanne and her former husband divorced 15 years ago. Secondly, Jeanne was previously the supervisor of the official residence of the deputy prime minister and manager of the Seri Perdana Complex. Who better to marry than someone who knows the demands and ups and downs of being the PM?
Some are bitter because Paklah did not marry a "pure malay". GOOD GRIEF!! Who is a pure Malay nowadays, anyway? And what the hell does her keturunan have to do with being the PM's wife anyway? Whylah these people so dengki?
I don't care. I think it's fab that Paklah remarried and I hope his marriage will make him happier and like he said, do more good work for the people.
My congratulations again to Paklah and his lovely bride. May Allah bless you both and may you both have a happy and prosperous life together. Amin.
Posted by Along at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: In the News, Wedding
Friday, June 08, 2007
A Birthday Note to Dania Jazmin - 5 Years Old

Posted by Along at 11:29 PM 8 comments
Labels: Dania
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
And they lure you with an animal balloon
I still owe Dania her birthday note. I've written some of it but have yet to upload the relevant pictures. Will do this soon.
So finally hubby relented. Instead of cutting all our Astr0 mini packages, he only cut out one; the learning channel. No more Paul Sr and the boys. No more Animal Planet. No more construction stories, which surprisingly are very informative and entertaining.
At first hubby wanted to cut out the Variety package but the thoughts of losing Tyra Banks made me a bit jittery. Hahahahaa.
2nd season of Supernatural is getting better and better. The 1st episode was a bit of a downer coz the dad died. What is it with this guy? He dies in Grey's Anatomy, he dies in Supernatural. Can you stop dying already? My tear ducts are all dried up.
Last night's episode was damn spooky. Because it featured.....clowns.
Urghhh...clowns. Bad clowns. Psychotic clowns. Eeeeevvviiiillll clowns.
I don't know why it is that I'm scared of clowns. I've never been chased by them or tormented by one. I was a little spooked by that clown in the horror movie "IT" (what kind of movie title is that, anyway?" but other than that I've never had a personal bad experiences with clowns.
Maybe it's the fact that their face is so painted and made up that you can't really see what they're thinking. Like, they paint a sad, clowny face but all the time they're really smiling inside, thinking of ripping off chicken heads and eating little children.
Whatever, clowns are spooky and they creep me out.
IT. Eeeeeeee.........
Posted by Along at 8:30 AM 7 comments
Labels: TV