Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where's My New Phone?

Bodoh la Groupon ni. Janji nak hantar phone baru dalam masa 7 working days, sampai sekarang takde pun. Isy...tau tak betapa seksanya takleh berwhatsapp dan BBM orang. Bila En rashid call, depa kata bleh datang ke ofis depa ambik sendiri kalau takleh tunggu. Delivery charges RM10 tu, depa pulangkan in terms of voucher. Nak buat apa voucher?!! Maleh nak beli apa2 dari site ni lagi...ppfffttt!!

Tensen. Tensen keje. Tensen hal phone. Tensen.

Nak duduk rumah je la baru best.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Terima Kasih Bagi Aku Ketawa Terbahak2 Hari Ni..

Pagi tadi masa tengah drop offkan bebudak kat transit, aku singgah gerai depan beli suratkhabar. Lama dah tak pegang suratkhabar fizikal, asyik baca via twitter or internet je. Sebab nak baca berita ringan2, aku beli Harian Metro.

Metro ni memang tak pernah kecewakan aku la. Kalau bab bagi heading berita gempak2, memang tabik spring kat penulis2 Metro. Padahal bila baca isi kandung dia, takde la gempak mana pun cerita dia. Heading je lebih...hehehehe.

So sambik En Rashid bawak kereta pi keje, aku pun dok baca paper kat sebelah macam mem. Nak duduk belakang, macam over la plak. Hahahaha..

Ada satu iklan dalam paper Metro harini yang memang buat aku ngan En Rashid rasa nak terkencing bila baca. Lawak nak mampos.

Korang klik la kat image atas tu kalau nak baca in detail. Tapi aku bleh highlightkan sket, ungkapan2 hebat dari iklan ni.

"Sebelum menggunakan [PRODUCT] beliau berasa amat malu dan tidak yakin pada suami.."
Komen: Apa? Kenapa ko nak malu kat suami tu kalau tetek ko kecik? Suami ko kawin ngan ko sebab tetek ke? 

"Dia berasa cemburu apabila melihat pasangan suami isteri yang lain bahagia sedangkan beliau sendiri hampir melali pergolakan rumahtangga akibat masalah beliau ini."
Komen: Orang lain bahagia tu takkan la sebab tetek si isteri tu besar! Ko pun, takkan la nak bercerai sebabkan tetek ko kecik! Come on mentaliti mana ni? Nak kata mentaliti kampung, orang kampung tu takde akal kecik camni...

"Bagi anda yang mengalami masalah yang sama dan tidak mahu suami berpaling kepada wanita lain...."
Komen: Hah?!! Suami nak carim pompuan lain sebab tetek isteri kecik? Silakan...silakan..hahaha...macam la kote hang tu panjang sejengkal ye tak? Muahahaha. Lagipun, isn;t the saying, The way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Dari ko nak kisahkan tetek ko yang kecik tu, cuba pikat hati suami dengan masak sedap2. Ni kalau tetek ko membuak macam Pamela Anderson pun tapi masak air pun fail, tak payah la!

"Cegah sebelum terlambat"
Komen: Cegah apa? Cegah keruntuhan rumahtangga sebab tetek kecik. Kalau itula yang dijadikan alasan, then're better off without the man. Please find someone who can love you for who you are and what you look like.

Actually, aku tak kisah iklan2 macam ni. But come on la....cara ko menjual product tu bleh tak jangan bagi reason2 kenapa kena beli yang merepek camni. Kalau stress on self satisfaction ke...hal kesihatan ke... ok la soh beli krim ni supaya laki jangan lari.

Sian Puan Daisy....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I lost my Blackberry!!


Seriously...this sucks big time. The best thing is, I lost it at Legoland!!

Freaking stupid Legoland. Curse that place! Grrrrr...

OK, so our trip to Legoland was a huge bust. 1st, we only got in after nearly one hour lining up for tickets.  Before you roll your eyes and say "why didn't you just buy tickets online?", it was because I wanted to use the "Kids Enter Free" vouchers. Kids tickets cost RM110, so I saved RM330 by using them.

It was freaking hot in the afternoon and mid-day, which was kind of expected. But then it started to rain around 3pm. And rained. And rained. Complete with thunder and lightning. Since there was lightning involved, all the rides stopped and everybody huddled indoors for hot coffee.

RM7.50 for a cup of hot coffee!! Shhheeeettt!!!

It was during one of my many trips to the toilet that I left it there. Huuhuhuhu...I can still see it in my mind, balanced on the tissue dispenser.

The worst part is that I lost all my photos that I took at Legoland. All my photos with Rachel Allen (yes, I met her! And she taught me how to cook!!). All my photos with Sarimah. Huhuhuhu...and also my photos taken during the Run For Your Lungs event.

So now I'm using this cokia HP phone that doesn't even have Whatsapp installed. En Rashid bought a new Samsung Galaxy S3, which he plans to let me use. So I guess I'm going android.

Bye Bye BB!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

We Did It!!

Last Sunday, hubby and I entered the Run For Your Lungs event at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. This is an annual event held by the various associations to bring awareness about tuberculosis (TB) and its dangers. I was rather skeptic when En Rashid told me about the event. Truth be told, I HATE running, I've never been much of a runner, even when I was younger. But since he had already done the deed and paid the fees, I decided to just join and try to have fun. Plus, a few of our office mates were also joining the event, so at least I could run (or walk fast) with other people.

The event was to start at 730am, so the night before, we headed to my mom's house. Being without a maid, we had to think of where to drop off the kids before going. My mom was more than happy to take them. Hehehehe.

We headed out from my mom's house on Sunday at around 6.30am. We had no idea where the starting point was, so we just park at the nearest parking spot and starting walking about. We met up with a few more participants who were also looking for the starting point, so together we scouted the area. Seriously, they could have put up more signboards to alert the participants, especially newcomers like En Rashid and myself. Fortunately one of the people we met up with got hold of one of the organizers, who told us where to go.

It was mostly all photo taking sessions while waiting for the event to start. There were 7 categories altogether, A - Men's Open, C- Women's Open, B - Men's Veteran, D- Women's Veteran,E- Men's Teenagers, F- Women's Teenagers and G- Family/fun Run. We, of course, entered the G category. Heee. For categories A-D, it was a 7km run, while E and F had to run 5km. Category G only had to run 3km.

Around 750am, the blast went off for category G. And I started running.

And continued to run.

And kept on running.

Seriously, I went much further than I expected during my first round of running. It was only when I had trouble breathing, did I stop but continued by power walking instead. After a bit, I continued running again. Then power walked.

Then all of a sudden, I was back to the starting line so I decided to make a final sprint.

And it felt good. My muscles were screaming out and I was having trouble catching my breath, plus let's not talk about the buckets of sweat that was pouring out of my pores....but I felt really good!

Enjoy the pictures!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Wow...I have a blog?

Man, it's been ages since I've been here. To tell you the truth, I miss blogging. And you know what...I'm gonna take it up again. So many things have happened that I'm literally kicking myself for not taking time to jot them down.

I'll be back. Real soon. With proper updates. Till then, I've missed you guys.