So last week we all took a trip to Cameron Highlands. We meaning, me, hubby, the kids, my parents and all 3 of my brothers. We took 2 cars; I drove my mom's car while my dad took his car. Everyone wanted to ride with me, not because I'm such a fabulous driver (which I am, really) but because riding with my dad means being subjected to numerous listenings of CDs such as The Best of JayJay, Sharifah Aini and the KL Orchestra plus, my dad's personal favorite, Compilation of Francisca Peter, Shima and Zaiton Sameon.
I admit, when we were growing up, we used to listen to those CD not because we wanted to but because we had no choice. I once sneaked in my NKOTB CD into the car's CD player, only to have it chucked to the car floor after my dad heard the opening sequence of Hangin' Tough.
Our Cameron trip was for 3 days 2 nights. I had booked us a 3-bedroom apartment unit at Royal Lily Apartment, which was about a 5 minute drive from the Tanah Rata town. Itv was nicely decorated with ample sleeping arrangements for everyone. For those who are interested may contact Mr Wong Kok Peng at 012-6530841/019-4251107. Because we went during the school holidays, the rent was a bit high (RM250 per night) but the facilities provided really helped (kitchen provided, hot shower, extra pillows for all, astro STB).
We arrived at Cameron around 2pm. It was raining slightly and kind of windy. Dania wasn't feeling all that hot; having thrown up twice during the car ride. She's just like her mother, gets carsick quite easily. After unwinding from the winding ride up, we headed out to town to look for something to eat.
Strawberries. Everywhere we went was brimming with strawberries. They even had like four strawberries on a stick which you could dip in chocolate, all for RM2.00. Sheeeshh. I could tell my brother wanted to have some if not for the possibility of being teased as Mr CT (tau2 lah siapa yek).
We ate at this place called Zainab's corner. Oklah, not bad, the bihun sup was very nice. Dad had mee bandung which looked delicious. Sorrylah, no pictures, too busy eating. Hehe. Mom ordered sate and yong tau foo fr everyone so of course, food was plenty on the table. Dania ate like RM3 worth of nasi himpit. Pergh, terus buncit perut!! Dina also ate a lot of sate and helped finish my bihun sup. Man, that gal can eat. I think maybe it was the eating togetherness that brought out the carnivore in us.
We walked and did some window shopping after dinner. The gals were interested in everything all the shops had to offer. They just loved everything strawberry; strawberry purses, strawberry coin banks, strawberry glasses, keychains, magnets, slippers.
After dinner, we headed back to the apartment for a round of cards (dad won), during which the guys held their own farting competition (dad won also, hands down!!). Everyone, even the gals, slept at 1am. Peh, penat wooo.
The next day, it rained in the afternoon. Heavily. Dad and Angah had already planned to play some golf so they headed out early morning. The rest of us stayed at the apartment to sleep some more and watch Merdeka-themed documentaries. Oya, did I mention the apartment had an Astro STB but we were suppose to bring our own Astro card? Huh, so yang bleh tengok, TV1 and TV2 only. Aiyo...layan je lah.After dad and Angah had come back, we all went out for lunch. The guys went for Friday prayers first (lawak story, got lost on the way to the mosque) so mom and I took the girls to town for some sightseeing and picture taking at these huge fruit playground. I dunno how to explain it, just see the pictures below. We decided to have lunch at Brincang, about 4km from Tanah Rata. We found a very nice and rather cheap Kopitiam. If anyone's interested, it located a few doors away from Jasmine Hotel, near the taxi stands. Order the lamb chop or the laksa, both are divine!!

We bought all sorts of tea; lemon tea, strawberry tea (my favorite) and lime tea. After spending and hour or so there, we went to the Kopitiam for a nice lunch. We then headed to the Cactus Valley for some strawberry picking. The girls were so excited, it made the whole trip worthwhile. Dania was in charge of cutting the strawberries from their stalks while Dina followed her around with the basket. Between them, the girls plucked nearly 1kg worth of strawberries, all really big and juicy. Even the man who handled the strawberry park there said that the girls had picked the nicest bunch of strawberries he had ever seen (kes bagi bebudak seronok le ni).