Last weekend was rather hectic (when is it not?). We all went back to Melaka to my in-laws for a 3-in-1 family gathering which was to celebrate Dina’s Qiqah. My sister-in-law’s wedding and Doa Selamat for my in-laws who are going to Mekah next month.
Hubby and I took Friday off so we could help with all the preparations for Saturday’s event. The agenda for Saturday was as follows; 10am – Marhaban and Dina’s Qiqah, 11am – Anom’s (my SIL) akad nikah, 12pm – Anom’s sanding. 3pm – End.
I realize some of these terms may seem foreign to oversea readers. Here’s something to help you with the vocabulary.
Qiqah – an Islamic ceremony to praise god and give thanks for new babies. Usually the ceremony is done when the baby is 7 days old. Nowadays, people do it when they can get leave from their ever hectic work life. The ceremony starts with Marhaban (a group of people singing versus from the Holy Quran) and then the cutting of the hair of the baby. Pictures of Dina going through this process as below.

As you can see, it started out good, then towards the end she got tired and irritated because these old ladies kept grabbing her hair and putting weird coconut juice all over her head. One can only take so many cheek pinches in single day!!
Akad Nikah – basically it’s the ceremony where the couple officially becomes husband and wife. It’s the Islamic version of “Do you take so-and-so as your wife, blah, blah, blah......I Do”. No kissing scene though. I cried during my akad nikah. Silent tears of joy and anxiety. Pictures of my SIL’s akad nikah as below.

Sanding – the part of the ceremony where the bride and the groom sit up on a platform and relatives and friends come up to wish and bless the couple good luck. Pictures as below.

Doa Selamat – means prayer for someone’s well-being. My parent-in-laws are going to Mekah end of December. Here’s praying they go and come back safely.