What's worse than not ever meeting your one true love?
Meeting him......then finding out he's gay!
*To F, hang in there sis. Jodoh tak ke mana. You'll find him eventually.*
Monday, August 29, 2005
A True Story
Posted by Along at 10:53 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
And My Yahoo Messenger Status Says.."Going Mad!"
Reason Why I am Pissed Off
1. It’s 4.30pm and I haven’t had lunch.
2. I sent out hundreds of application forms to schools to join the workshop I’m organizing next week, to which only six..yes, six!! have replied to. The rest, when contacted, gave the usual bullshit reply of “Oh, are you sure you faxed it to the right number? We haven’t received anything.”
3. I have an ulcer or ulcers on the bottom of my tongue. How on earth is that even possible?!! You get ulcers on your lip, on the roof of your mouth or on the sides. How do you explain getting ulcers under your tongue?!! It’s insane!! It defies logic!! And it FREAKING HURTS!!!
4. Looking at my schedule of events and work load, the soonest I can take a much needed leave is end of September. By then, I would have exploded and disintegrated into a million pieces.
5. My email has fucked itself up and no longer wishes to send or receive emails.
6. Dania has decided that joking with her is no longer seen as a loving and warm gesture between parent and child but rather an attempt to make her life a MISRABLE HELL as much as possible thus the reason for her to scream and cry crocodile tears whenever one of her parent would suggest going to the park with her sister, but not her.
7. Dina is no longer amused by Bob the Builder or Jojo’s Circus thus finding a cartoon that would hold her attention for those 5 minutes I need to go to the toilet has proven challenging.
8. I woke up this morning at 9am to the sound of my handphone shrilling its head off and a message from my PR blinking away, “Where are you? Please be reminded of our meeting with GM at 9am today.”
Reason Why I am Happy
1. The haze has subsided and I no longer feel like jumping off a cliff.
2. Putting Dina to sleep is a night time ritual that I look forward to as it gives me one-on-one time with her without her messy sister butting in. Plus what parent doesn’t look forward to serious discussions on artificial insemination and global heating issues with their child?
3. Dania knows her ABC’s and her 123’s and she’s only 3!! Wonderful, we have a Mensa member in the making. Next up, I’m teaching her how to drive and buy groceries. The girls have to earn their keep somehow.
4. I have a wonderful family that accepts me for all my faults and weird antics. I could give up bathing and lay on the couch drooling all day and hubby would still say I’m adorable and the girls would still insists on snuggling up to me.
Posted by Along at 6:01 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The Woes that Loom Over My Skies and My Vagina
So I’m back. Not that I’m 100% well yet but I’ve already been MIA from the office for a whole week and I was getting pretty worried about the ever increasing pile of donkey poo that had accumulated in my IN tray.
I want to shout out a quick THANK YOU for those who dropped by and wished me Get Well Soon to my last post. It meant more than you know, that people actually cared enough to jot down a few kind words at a time when I was truly feeling like shit.
So I’m back in my prison known as The Office and I’m looking outside the window. Good god!! It’s like Gloomy London!! This is bad..this is really bad.
I’m, of course, referring to the haze situation that has been going on for the past 2 weeks. Usually people wake up to a beautiful morning, nowadays it’s more like waking up to smoke and smog and everything evil in this world. How I wish I could just take refuge in my bedroom with the kids forever..or at least until the haze goes away. You can see how bad it is in the pictures below.

Of course, the weather hasn’t been helpful in me getting better. My throat still hurts and my nose is still running. My medication (that has been casing me diarrhea!!) is nearly all gone, but I’m not going to the doctors’ for more. There’s only so much those happy blue and yellow pills can do for you. If you’re breathing up smog and thousands of dust particles with every breath, you could be chugging down liquid vitamins and it wouldn’t mean a thing. Something seriously needs to be done about this...and soon!!
The fact that I’m having my period also doesn’t help much. I’m on my 3rd day and as every female person will tell you, the 3rd day is also known as Heavy Flow Day. I hate it coz I’m still coughing so with every cough, I feel gallons of...err..liquid...just gushing out of my southern region. If you’re male and getting somewhat queasy with all this...then click on the X box you can find on the far upper right hand corner of the screen. This is my blog and if I’m gonna talk about the pains of being a women and having to deal with heavy menstruation, then so be it. God knows, everyone else at the office is sick of listening to me grip about it, so Dear Reader, now it’s your time. Just be thankful I don’t have any pictures to accompany my description.
Posted by Along at 4:50 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I'm so sick..of being sick!!
I'm sick. I've been sick for 3 days. Actually if you count from Friday, then I've been sick..on and off...for 5 days. I was fine on Sunday, but Monday saw me with a high fever, runny nose, chills, and soreness all over. I feel like I've been run over by a bus. And my nose...no matter how many times I blow it..the snot that keeps coming out...ARGH!!!
It's hard keeping away from my girls. Especially Dina. Everytime she sees me, she keeps pulling my blouse, trying to get me to breastfeed her. I've had to resolve back to using the breast pump.
I'm running out of mediaction and eventhough my fever has gone down a bit, I'm still pretty much weak. Everything I eat tastes like....nothing. I have no taste buds.
This sucks. It sucks coz I have so much work to do. I have 2 meetings tomorrow and right now I can't even make it to the toilet without taking a breather.
It sucks being sick!!
Posted by Along at 10:20 PM 7 comments